Richard~ I'm so hyped to say I won the last longer in Copenhagen and got a ticket for day 1d tonight. I'm on the train home right now super tired but extremely happy with that news. I make no promises but I'm consideringing streaming the event with hole cards tonight, if so I'll drop a link below later. I'm chasing that dream, lets get that day 2!!!
Richard~ Pumped is good, I'm ready! Keeping a bit quiet about the stream, not gonna announce it too much in the title or anything just in case
djgolfcan Richard~;411133 wrotePumped is good, I'm ready! Keeping a bit quiet about the stream, not gonna announce it too much in the title or anything just in case You have over 100 BBs, tons of time - good luck !!
Richard~ out unfortunately, attacked a guy who was running some pretty crazy stats with Aks, unfortunately I shoved a river where he made a straight, as aiming to fold out chops, AJ/A10 and random underpairs