Toronto Pimp Almost got kicked out last night. Long story short, was playing 2-5 and had a decent table with the exception of one guy that was a jackass. He would win a pot and then ask to see the losing hand. He did this 3 or 4 times to different people . Each time a few regulars would tell him that what he was doing was very poor etiquette but he kept on doing it. I got into a 3 way all in hand with him where I flopped a set of 4’s on a 2 hearts board. Bet 330 on the flop bet 475 on the turn and he called both , other guy was all in for less on the turn. So the guys hits his flush on the river and wins a big pot...... but he immediately tells the dealer he wants to see both hands. I lost it a little. I Blasted out a bunch of swear words and asked the guy to come outside for a chat. Floor comes over and tells me any more yelling and I am kicked out. But he also told the guy that what he was doing was very poor etiquette and That he saw someone get punched in the mouth doing that at an underground game. The guy guy was clueless. He was in for over 6000 in a 2-5 game and I did end up grabbing him later on in magnificent style. I called his $55 raise with 6 4 off. Flop hit 357. He bet over the pot for 140 I called . Turn was an ace he bet 140 again I just called. River was a 10 he bets 140 again I raise to 1140 and he snap calls. He had ace king. The rest of the guys at the table were fun and it was an action table all night long. Booked a win was in for 1800 and cashed out 4075. My 2 buddies were playing 1-3 and both got crushed . Conrad lost 3 hands all in with set over set. And my buddy dan said he ran a full house into quads for a big pot near the end of the night.
payperview I love the updates. That guy would have been so annoying to play with. Sounds like he was a fish in the game.
compuease Damn, wished I could have been there.. Another 9 days and I should be back to normal activities, just in time for Royal and getting back to poker. Mike, your cool demeanor was undoubtedly what saved you.
ReefAquarium Toronto Pimp;410730 wroteHe was in for over 6000 Congrats on the win! I don't think I've seen an overall winning player ask to see a hand.
Toronto Pimp ReefAquarium;410733 wroteCongrats on the win! I don't think I've seen an overall winning player ask to see a hand. He he did it a total of 6 times and did it to 4 different people.
ReefAquarium Looks like it only cost him 1000 per look! Part of the cost of being a winning player is ... idiots!