I thought the play was solid but not spectacular. I didn't see any super tough players. Higher level than most tourneys in that there weren't a lot of tourney only players who weren't very good and went home after busting. There were many rebuys and many of the players immediately went into the cash games after busting. I compare this to your typical tournies at Brantford and Caesars Windsor where the tourney players never fill up the cash tables afterward.
There were I think 14 tables but 222 entries so that gives you an idea of how many bullets people were firing. You only start with 75 bigs so that aspect I guess lowered the play a bit because after the first level anyone who rebought was immediately short stacking themselves.
I lost 1/4 of my stack 3 hands in and spent most of the tourney hovering around 20-30 bigs. I'm proud of our cpf crew because at 2nd break all 3 of us had less than 20 bigs and we fought those stacks for 2 hours through the money bubble that broke about 3 min before the dinner break.
I got super lucky in the 2nd level, I was down to 1475 and got qjss. There were 3 limpers already (was super rare at our table for anyone to limp). Normally I would just shove at that point but I thought maybe I could sneak this one through and see a flop. I was in the cutoff, button calls, sb raises to 1100, everyone calls, so I shove and everyone calls including the button. So 6 handed and I flop a q, someone bluffs 5500 with A10, everyone folds and I turn a q and I get back over starting with just over 10k. But this hand was so atypical of how our table was playing.
Then I didn't get much for a long time and I finally told the dealer (was in seat 9) that I wanted to shove 3x this orbit. I get dealt KJ 2x in a row shove both and get through. Nothing for several hands and then AA utg. I raise and get called two ways. K high flop, I bet out and get shoved on by a fairly wild player with kq and double through getting me to 20k just before the 2nd break. Thanked the dealer for helping me achieve my goal of shoving 3x. :)
Carried that through most of the next 2 hours until I got down to under 10 bigs and I got kk and doubled through and held that stack until the money broke.
So being shortstacked most of the day I didn't have a lot of tough decisions.
Starting stack
Rungood subway at the dinner break
Stack after dinner break when they redrew the final 3 tables and ITM

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