Toronto Pimp My buddy Conrad wants to go play this tournament, I will be going too. Anyone else feel like playing some pokerz. start time is 12:30 and you can late register for 4 levels .
Card Dead There's an outside chance I can play this one. Here's hoping it works out. Haven't pokered very much this summer. Time to get back in action.
compuease Going to try, if the wife will allow me.. And I can get my clients to leave me alone for a day.. $165 right?
Toronto Pimp compuease;410303 wroteGoing to try, if the wife will allow me.. And I can get my clients to leave me alone for a day.. $165 right? Yes sir and it doesn’t start till 12:30...... you can do it .
Card Dead Toronto Pimp;410301 wroteGlen is alive....... stop painting and do some pokerZ Lots of time for pokerz in the winter. Rest of the year it's work, work, work.
Card Dead compuease;410303 wroteGoing to try, if the wife will allow me.. And I can get my clients to leave me alone for a day.. $165 right? If it made the difference, I'd offer you a ride, but I'm in St. Catherines all morning that day. Ride home tho.
Toronto Pimp In the money.... Was down to 350 with blinds at 500 - 1000 and ran like a champ. Will update later. But 207 runners and i am in the money.
Toronto Pimp Sadly I busted in 17th place. I only fired 1 bullet so I did make a tiny bit . Card Dead was there. He was doing pretty good in the cash game after he busted the tourney. I was on table 6 most of the day And there was a crusty old bastard from The USA that kept calling everyone a bird. He would say only a bird would call with that garbage and a couple times he was mean to the dealers. so.......... i waited Ted till he made his biggest raise of the day and called him with 10 8 of clubs. Everyone else folded. Flop comes. 10h 6c 2c. I still think that he has an over pair because of how much he raised . The old grump bets 2000 into a pot of about 12000 and I call. The turn is the 8d.... hmmmmm Old Guy has about 18 or 19 k left. I shove it all in for just over 15k and he snap calls. Flips over his hand and says “ I got ya “ showing his pocket kings. I look down at my cards slowly and try to look as disappointed as possible as I flip over my 10 8........ to add insult to injury the river is Q of clubs giving me the flush. again the guy says your a fuckin bird.......... I smiled and and asked him if he has any bird seed ........ oh boy he was not happy.
Toronto Pimp I should have been out around level 6. I got into a 3 way all in where I raised my pocket aces to 5x from the button and got called by AsKs and by 5 9 offsuit ........ I have no idea what that guy was doing in the hand......... the flop came 678 with two spades. I bet raise re-raise we all end up all in on the flop and the 5 9 off holds and takes me down to 350 .... with the blinds at 500 - 1000 ante 100. next hand I am on the button with K9...... I make 2 pair and take it down. very next hand I go all in again KQ off and hit 3 queens there are 2 people in the hand. very next hand pocket kings and I get a triple up very next hand pocket jacks jacks and I shove again....... the guy just spit called me with 10 J hearts..... my jacks hold and I am just over 20,000 in chips...... it it was unreal. And it was crazy fun. 1 crazy hand on another table ...... a guy folds his hand face down over the line but not in the muck......only other guy in the hand flips over a jack high and guy picks his folded cards up and flips them over to show a king high........ the tournament manager comes over and rules that his hand is live........ this is the worst call I have ever seen in a tournament....... anywhere in the world that would be a mucked hand.
Toronto Pimp moose;410382 wroteAh, 13cards we love you. Is he one of the poker room supervisors at Casino Niagara ?
payperview Good job pimp. What time was it when you busted? Just trying to get an idea as to how long the tournament ran with ~200 entries.
Toronto Pimp payperview;410398 wroteGood job pimp. What time was it when you busted? Just trying to get an idea as to how long the tournament ran with ~200 entries. I busted just around 9pm. They have been hitting final table by 10:30 pm and done by 11:30 or so. So plan on 11 or 12 hours if you go deep.
compuease That is one hell of a good structure for a casino $165. tournament especially considering only $15. rake... Nothing in Vegas to compare... Wonder how long it will remain like this.. Buddy, do you approve?