EdtheTed;410234 wroteThanks, I was pretty much card dead for 5 hours and my 50k dwindled to about 17K. Then I got AA and got paid, then KK and my all in was called and eventually I got it up to 100K. I did make day two but with only about 64K which is just over 30 bb. Kind of short but ok for the first 2 or 3 hours. We'll see what happens. I mostly played well but some players are pretty good and three bet quite a bit.
I should say to anyone playing this the $1100 buy in is so reasonable that the first two or three levels felt to me like a lot of people thought of it as a $100 tournament because of the unlimited rebuys. Lots of aggro play and huge raises. After 3 hours (and a few bust outs) things settled down a bit.
FYI, got knocked out of day two of the main. I chipped up, then lost twice with 70% hands (with 7,7 I call 'all in' who shows A 4, and the ace comes, with Q Q I raise, get two callers, then an all in, I go all in, two callers fold, the 'all in' turns over A 9, and an ace comes again). After almost 5 hours I was still around 65K but of course I have under 20 BB instead of 32. Finally my KdJd all in is called by Ad9d and it holds to eliminate me. Overall, a good time playing 5 days of poker. Great seats, dealers and food!