Well the wife and I decided to make what to us is beginning to seem like a weekly visit again this afternoon. We have been visiting her brother who has terminal cancer with little time left in Hamilton most Saturdays mid day and since we are almost half way to Niagara we just keep going after the visit.
Anyways as normal I called ahead and was called to new table 4 about 15 min after arriving. I had just sat down when table 5 beside me erupted in cheers and high fives.. They hit the 189K bad beat, first time for me being in the room when it hit although once in Seneca years ago it hit while I was approaching the room. This time it was 2 brothers who are regs there. Apparently one of the guys who got a table share has done the same thing there 5 times prior... What are the odds.. Pocket JJ vs Q,9 spades, flop J,10,8 spades, turn J and bingo...
Now as for poker for the session, I really didn't have any big payoffs or losses, just slow and steady, Cashed out $550 on my 300 buyin. Had A's and K's once each. K's hand I was in small blind, couple of limps and young guy who obviously was new to live poker and only bought in for $100. raised to 18 saying he had heard that instead of 2.5BB raises, double that was appropriate.. Button calls and I raise to $50. thinking I am committing him to call or fold.. lol, he calls, hollywooding while saying he is set mining against old tight guys.. Button folds. Flop comes 10 high. I bet $20 trying to look weak and he folds saying he knows what that means.. lol. calling off half your short stack to set mine??? Needless to say he didn't last long...
Later on had AA on the button, couple of limpers to me and I raise to 12, only 1 caller, flop Q high, I bet 20, 40 and 60 and got called on all 3 streets by Q,10 and this was by a reg who I have played many times before. Not sure what he was thinking that he beat.. It was like there was a full moon as there were several strange happenings. On one occasion a guy to my right called big bets on the flop, turn and the all in on the river with a flush draw that never got there. He had Q high and said he called because the river bet was only 1/3 pot. WTF?
Winner showed a mid set.. Why don't I get paid like that? There were a few other strange ones as well,,
Now the best news of all... Wife come down the the poker room looking for me about 7:30, that was strange as well as she normally texts me if we are going to eat or leave... Comes over looking kinda like as if she had lost her normal $400 that she starts with.. I assumed she had lost it for the first time in maybe a year. No, she puts a piece of colorfull paper in front of me which say jackpot.. Hmm, I'm thinking maybe she won another one of regular big wins that she seems to get every 3rd or 4th time we are there, like 4 or 500.. Nope, 4.7K,,, Now that is a win! Biggest single win she has had ever. I think this was her 14th consecutive winning session but by far the biggest to date. This was off a $2.50 max bet penny machine... I gotta learn her secret....
It was a real nice ride home...