Toronto Pimp Going to play the Thursday July 19th deepstack $1,000 buy in. 100k in chips, 30 min blinds, big blind ante. anyone else coming ? Seneca Gaming and Entertainment - Seneca Poker - Niagara Falls - Summer Slam
Toronto Pimp ReefAquarium;409864 wroteI might come for the cash games. I can't beat the witholding tax. I have zero delusions of beating the tax either. I always have a fun time at the Seneca tournaments and this one should be less of a bingo with only single re-entry.
payperview I like the poker at Seneca. Cash games are always on the soft side. Good luck Pimp. Reef, if you have a chance their 1/2/5 PLO is a great game.
Toronto Pimp
Toronto Pimp
Toronto Pimp From hero to zero in 2 hands. Lost with my pocket kings to pocket tens for 125 k Then give the rest to Andy Spears with AK on a AK 9 board... He hit a straight on the turn and we got it all in.... I am out. Going to the walmart for weed killer. Was exciting whe it lasted.
compuease Toronto Pimp;409883 wroteFrom hero to zero in 2 hands. Going to the walmart for weed killer. No No No.... We all love you..... unless that weed killer is to get even.... Don't blow a few grand on BJ ok? Midgets are ok though..
Toronto Pimp I had another sick hand around level 10 where I got my aces cracked by AK.... I doubled this old poop head up for about 140k. Flop was K94 there was maybe 25 k in the pot and he bet out 45k..... I jammed it all in and he calls and flips over AK with no flush draws. Guy gets up and starts to walk away.....bink.....KING. WTF ?? After that very next hand I wake up with aces and a guy open shoves 25 big blinds from under the gun.... I am on the button again with aces..... this time they hold. same orbit image pocket jacks and hit a jack on the flop. Knock out a short stack with AK that shoved on a jack high board with no pair and only a black door straight draw. All,in all I had fun . I went to the Walmart and brought back 8 jugs of American round up weed killer......woooohoooo then Conrad and I went to Niagara and played cash for a few hours...... nothing eventful happened except for 1 stupid hand. Guy raises to 100 flat in a 2-5 game 3 callers and I look down at 72clubs...... yes 7-2 clubs...... little baby Jesus tells me to call..... so I do. I have 1300 to start the hand and only one guy covers me. Flop comes J22. Hmmmm.... I bet 175 from early position and the original raiser makes it 600 ....everyone else folds. I jam all in and he calls instantly. Flips over his pocket aces. Brick on turn and an Ace on the river. Ouch... grinded it it all back only lost 60 bucks at Niagara. fun day and night.
Toronto Pimp Card Dead;409887 wroteNice run Mikey. Thanks, made it to 24th I think out of 104.... was in great shape if my aces hold up. Would have had just over 500k with 3 tables left and only 11million chips in play........