trigs;409813 wroteThe gf and I decided to spend a night at the Falls which meant that I could go play some poker while she did some shopping. We drove down a bit earlier hoping we could get an early check-in. For brunch we went to Denny's. I had the Grand Slamwich (two scrambled eggs, crumbled sausage, bacon, shaved ham and American cheese on potato bread grilled with a maple spice spread) - it was the most delicious breakfast sandwich I had ever had! The gf got a Chorizo Benny (two poached eggs with chorizo crumbles on a toasted English muffin, covered in Hollandaise sauce, topped with pico de gallo) which was also very good. This was my first time going to Denny's and I will definitely be going back next chance I get.
After brunch, we headed over to the hotel and were able to check in early. We dropped off our bags in the room and then I headed over to CN while the gf went to burn some money at some outlet mall somewhere. I had only called about 15 minutes earlier to be put on the wait list but a table opened up in about 15 minutes after I arrived. While waiting for a seat, I ran into Card Dead who was also playing some $1-$3.
My first big hand came when I was dealt pocket Aces in EP. After one limp, I raised to $12 and got three callers including the original limper. Flop comes 99T rainbow and original limper bets out about 2/3 pot. I decide to just flat with two players to act behind me. They both fold and we go heads up to the turn - bink! - Ace. Villain checks this time which kind of confuses me. He could have a T here and scared of the Ace. I don't think trip 9s would check but maybe he was hoping to get in a check/raise if I hit my A. If he was bluffing and then hit an Ace I don't think he'd check it. I may have missed some value here but I elected to check back. River is a blank (deuce I think) and he leads for 1/2 pot. I "think" for about ten seconds before I announce a raise. He tanks for a while and eventually mucks. I asked him if he had a 9 and I think he mumbled something in the affirmative.
Another big hand that I wasn't in (and greatly regretted that I wasn't) I was dealt 55 in EP and limped. By the time action got back to me the table had just seen its first 3bet and 4bet preflop since I had sat down. The action went $10 raise, $40 3bet, $110 4bet. I decide to fold thinking I have to be behind at least one bigger pocket pair. Flop comes Qh5h8d and after a bet and raise we get to the turn heads up. Deuce hits and both players get all their chips in. Winning player tables AQo and wins a huge pot. If I had considered players could show up with that hand I probably would have called preflop but up until then the table had been relatively tight passive.
Another interesting hand involved this young guy at my table. My initial experience with this guy was when he walked up to me in the casino to ask me what day it was today. I told him Sunday and he seemed to be upset with this information. He was pretty disheveled looking and his actions were pretty strange. For example, he would occasionally make a motion to call preflop with chips in his hand and then muck his cards, and he would only min raise preflop if he was opening the betting. At one point, he had 4 stacks of 20 $5s in front of him and he still decided to turn to the guy on his left to ask if he could buy another 20 stack of $5s from him. I laughed and asked him if he had enough $5s yet and he just ignored me. Another strange thing he was doing (and eventually got in trouble for) was he would randomly drop chips into his cup holder. You could hear the chips clink loudly every little while and at first I thought he was just accidentally dropping chips while playing with them. Eventually, the dealer leaned over and was like WTF are you doing there guy? He explained that he was taking chips off the table and putting his session fees into his cup holder to keep them separate from his stack. The dealer explained that he cannot take chips off the table like that so he started keeping a separate little stack on the table for his session fees - really strange.
The last hand he was in he slowplayed KK and just called all the way down and lost his whole stack to a paired Ace on the turn. His first hand back after rebuying he's dealt A2o in EP and shoves his $300 stack in after the BB 3bet him. BB calls and flips over AsQs which holds. The whole table had a little chuckle after he left to rebuy again.
I didn't play for too long and finished a little over $100 in the black. I met up with my gf and we had plans to go to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse since we got a coupon for it with the room. We were a little skeptical after seeing that they didn't have prices on their online menu figuring that it must be a pretty expensive place. After a little more digging, my gf finds out that this place charges like $100 for a steak! And that is for their cheaper steaks - no sides included!! Fuck that - unless that steak also provides blowjobs. We cancelled our reservation and went to The Keg instead which was obviously delicious.
The best part about the night was that the gf said she had a great time and that she wants to go back again for a night in August and that she's cool with me playing poker for longer!
Trigs..... the Ruth’s Chris at the falls does rip off the tourists.... but next time you have the coupon try there stuffed chicken breast. You are correct , the steaks are stupid overpriced and not an amazing steak either. If you want the best steak at the falls go to 21 club at Fallsview........but for me I enjoy the keg because it is always consistent and at a fair price.