The Royal Cup of Poker XX will take place at the same location as the last one.
The Royal Cup is a team event, consisting of 8 players, in which each member of your team plays 3 different SNG's as well as one heads up NL match. Points are received based on finishing position in the SNG's and are accumulated between all your team members. The team with the highest point value at the end of the event are declared the champions. The point system is at the bottom of this thread for reference.
The schedule/blind structure will not change from what is posted below. Please arrive as early as possible
10:00 - 10:30 Registration.
10:30-10:45 Rules. If you have questions before hand just ask.
CARDS FLY AT 10:45 Sharp.
Captains will collect their teams entry fees and pay me directly the full $400 amount.
Side pots are as usual, $2. for high hand in each SNG plus $4 MVP ($10. total). These are strictly optional but do add some fun to the day.
Our 50/50 Points draw is an event where you pull a players name out of a hat and if they are the days MVP you will split the pot with them. So the pot goes to the MVP and the person holding their card.
Also, each variation of poker that day will have a High Hand Jackpot.
FL Holdem
PL Omaha
NL Holdem
For all the SNGs you must show your hand to be eligible but a showdown does not need to occur. In the Hold em SNGs you must use your 2 hole cards to be eligible for the high hand jackpot.
So for $10 you can enter all the side pots.
10:45 - 2:00 FLHE/Stud (4 players on each team play Stud and 4 play FLHE.)
- Cards are in the air at 10:45am sharp if players are not there they will be blinded out.
7 Card Stud Starting with 5000 Chips
14 min Blinds Ante Bring In SB BB
5 10 20 40
10 20 40 80
20 40 80 160
25 50 100 200
50 100 200 400
Colour Up Break 10 mins
100 200 400 800
200 300 600 1200
200 400 800 1600
300 600 1200 2400
400 800 1600 3200
500 1000 2000 4000
800 1600 3000 6000
These will be the rules for the Stud SNGs
Antes are paid and then the dealer deals 2 cards down and one up per player
After the first three cards have been dealt, the player showing the lowest up card must make what is called a "bring-in" bet.
The bring-in bet, by the way, is the only significant time and place in poker where card suits come into play. The highest suit is spades, followed by hearts, diamonds, and clubs
After the action has been completed on the opening round, the dealer gives a face-up card to each player remaining in the game. The dealing will go in a tradition clockwise fashion. Unlike the first round, where the lowest hand was forced to start the action, in this second betting round, the highest hand on board has the option to start the betting; that is, the player showing the highest hand is called upon first to either bet or check.
On fifth street, you receive your third up card, and then there is a round of betting, again started by the highest hand on board. (This person may be different then the first bettor on 4th street).
Sixth street is virtually identical: an up card is dealt, the highest hand acts first.
The betting on seventh street is identical to sixth street, but the card dealt is the last card you will receive, and it is dealt face down.
There are 4 bets max per round unless heads up where the betting is unlimited.
Fixed Limit Hold em
FL Hold em Starting with 5000 Chips
14 min Blinds SB BB Stakes
25 50 50 100
50 100 100 200
100 200 200 400
150 300 300 600
Colour Up Break 10 mins
200 400 400 800
300 600 600 1200
400 800 800 1600
500 1000 1000 2000
600 1200 1200 2400
800 1600 1600 3200
1000 2000 2000 4000
1500 3000 3000 6000
2000 4000 4000 8000
2500 5000 5000 10000
All rounds of betting will be capped to four bets unless heads up where the betting is unlimited
2:00 - 5:00 PL Omaha Starting with 5000 Chips
15 min Blinds
25 50
50 100
100 200
150 300
Colour Up Break 10 mins
200 400
300 600
400 800
600 1200
800 1600
1000 2000
1500 3000
2000 4000
2500 5000
Basic Rules of Omaha are the same as Hold em with the exception of each player being dealt 4 pocket cards and when the showdown occurs the best hand must use 2 pocket cards and 3 community cards.
5:00 (or earlier) to 7:30 NL Hold em
NL will start at 5:00 sharp (or as soon as all PLO tables finish). There is no scheduled dinner break as the venue has food to serve on demand.
NL Hold em Starting with 5000 Chips
15 min Blinds
25 50
50 100
100 200
150 300
200 400
Colour Up Break 10 mins
300 600
400 800
500 1000
600 1200
800 1600
1000 2000
1500 3000
2000 4000
2500 5000
7:30 to 9:00 NL Headsup (as soon as two opponents are eliminated from their respective NL tables)
HU Matches should start as soon as you and your opponent are available. Grab a deck and some chips.
If a player leaves and misses their HU match:
- 5 points are automatically awarded to their opponent's team
- a replacement player (from the defaulting team) can step in to play for the other 5 points
Heads Up Start with 5000 Chips
10 Hand Blinds
25 50
50 100
100 200
150 300
200 400
300 600 Capped
Closing Ceremonies. approx. 9pm
REMEMBER THIS TOURNAMENT IS NUT FREE EVENT DUE TO SOME ALLERGY'S THANKS living breathing nuts not included, there are a number of those..
Point System
Â* Â* Â* Â*1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Stud SNG 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 1
FL Hold em 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 1 1 1
Omaha SNG 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 1 1 1
NL Hold em 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 1 1 1
Heads Up 10 0
FYI, we will not have access to the venue until 9:30'ish the morning of so it may be a little scrambly prior to start. If a couple of extra people could show up shortly after that to assist in setting up prior to 10 it might be of value, counting chips, cards, etc.
Toronto Pimp
I am pretty sure that if Trigs wins MVP again this year I will quit poker and start playing competitive ping pong.
No one has ever won 2 in a row... Can't happen.... I'll play competitive rummoli. Ping pong is too strenuous.. Although I did used to love it...
Toronto Pimp;410710 wroteI am pretty sure that if Trigs wins MVP again this year I will quit poker and start playing competitive ping pong.
Is that a bet?
Please pass on to all team members as this was sent to me by the venue... Reminder there is no debit..
Hi Jeff, I will be in to show the hall Saturday before your event at 9:30. I thought that it may be a good idea to forward a few reminders;
• We are unable to provide cash back, please remind your guests in attendance that bringing cash is a good idea.
• Bar tabs are available with a valid credit card that is asked to be settled prior to 9:00 pm please. We will make you aware of any open tabs prior to the end of the evening.
• We ask that no outside food or beverage be brought into the facility and that all foods/beverage be purchased from the facility.
• A reminder that all smoking is asked to be where the butt station is by the front double doors.
• The golf facility is closed and as such we ask that your guests remain in the facility and off of the course please.
• As well, a reminder that the kitchen and bar open at 11:00 am
• The kitchen will close at 7:00 pm
• The bar will close by 8:30 pm
We encourage any of the attending guests to leave their cars in the parking lot to be picked up at a later time if alcohol is being consumed.
What a great day as always...
Big thanks for Compuease, DataMn, g2, and everyone else that had a part in putting this lovely event together. I can say with a brand new rookie on HBK that he said he loved it, and can't wait for the next one.
DrTyore;410858 wroteWhat a great day as always...
Big thanks for Compuease, DataMn, g2, and everyone else that had a part in putting this lovely event together. I can say with a brand new rookie on HBK that he said he loved it, and can't wait for the next one.
^^ This. Had a couple of new to the Royal players and got the same feedback. Great time, really well run.
Was a tough tough day for KitWho? but, congrats to the winners and hopefully see you all in the Spring.
As the champions, Shady had a great time. Thanks again to the small group of guys that organize the event every year, I understand it’s not a small amount of work or time required.
Curious question and I hope this doesn’t come across as too arrogant or whatever but I’m wondering if we have stats for previous events. Our round 2 was pretty crazy at 99 points.
Appreciate the thanks, everyone chips in so it makes it pretty easy for all of us... Not sure I can keep organizing this forever though. At some point I would like to hand it over to someone younger... Oh wait,,, that's pretty well all of you, except for Big Bob.
One thing I did hear though a few people mentioned to me the cost of food and drinks has really escalated the last few times. I agree and noticed it as well. The other thing I would like them to bring back is the beef stew and the soup..$2.50 fo a bottle of water which costs them 8 cents is ridiculous. Essential we are paying a similar cost to what we would at a baseball or hockey game, although maybe it is fair since we do have the venue for free.
Can you poll some of your players and let me know what they think? Keep on mind that we don't really want to change location so we don't have a lot of leverage... I'm perfectly fine to leave it alone if that is the consensus.
I do have the stats but not really well organized, let me have a look and I'll see if I can come up with some interesting records.
A couple of emails I received this morning.
Hey guys,
Great to see everyone yesterday at the Royal Cup! Thanks to Comp, G2 and TPimp for organization and team swag and such. I appreciate all of the hard work that goes into organizing an event like’s run very well. Also big thanks to Al (Data_man) who is now 2-0 vs me in head up.. thanks for TDing this awesome poker day!
Nothing says poker like an embroidered diaper and leather vest!!!
Had a great time, Mike, thanks for the shirt,
Great day as always thanks for organizing!
Toronto Pimp
Thanks Comp, Al and G2 I know you guys put in a lot of effort behind the scenes to keep this running like a fine oiled machine. I certainly appreciate your efforts.
I have a small sample size within my team with regards to our thoughts on the prices of the food and drink. The prices are high, relative to your average bar/pub, but it’s fair for what we get in return - which is not just the food and drink.
As always, the Royal Cup continues to be one of the best organized, well run tournaments of the year. It's fun catching up with people we haven't seen in a while.
Kudos to Comp, G2, Al and Hobbes for their efforts !
Can't wait for the next one.
BankItDrew;410867 wroteI have a small sample size within my team with regards to our thoughts on the prices of the food and drink. The prices are high, relative to your average bar/pub, but it’s fair for what we get in return - which is not just the food and drink.
Agree 100%. Dont mind paying a premium at all as it just goes towards keeping a great venue.
Also: thanks guys. Great time as usual.
I had fun on Saturday despite my abysmal failure in the first two rounds. Thanks to Dave and Kit-Who for letting me play on their team and thank you to all who help to organize this event. As always well run!!