5aces Hi, I found this site while searching images via google. Think most of all pics are from Moose. :o I collect chips (mostly playable sets) since 15 years and looking for... a new source for more chips. :biggrin: My current sets: PNY, MGM GRAND, MGM at Foxwoods and St. Jo‘s Frontier. Will post a WTB thread later. Spoiler: Looking for some single MGM Grand $3 and $5 chips and hope to find them here. Btw: My name is Sebastian and I am from Germany. Hausband and father of two sweet children. Thanks for another crazy chipper forum. Sebastian
compuease Welcolm Sebastian, I assume you are on Chiptalk? ChipTalk.net - Poker Chips and Poker Chip Advice
compuease No doubt Moose who a lot of us play with regularly, has the best collection almost anywhere although a few others on here have nice set(s) as well.