Forgot about the last or second last hand from the PLO game. Table was breaking as 2-3 are ready to start racking up.
Playing 7 handed at that point. I'm utg but the rock was to my left, so I actually got act second last preflop. Player first to act raised to 35, got 3 calls to me and I call with A3ddT9. The rock also calls so 5 players to the flop.
Flop comes KQ5dd. Originally raiser pots with 700 back approx. One fold and next player repots all in for about 600. Folds to me and I pots over the top as the player with the rock made it very clear he was folding. And original raiser calls. Was up against KQxx from first player and A5Kd6d for second player. Turn and river were blanks so ended up taking a small loss. Otherwise would've been a 2k session win.
Toronto Pimp
Need sleeep. Will post up some stories later.
just a tease.... Comp may have had spent some time getting felt up by security at the airport after being very disobedient and not following security’s instructions.
At least it wasn't by a midget..... Will post rebuttal and the TRUTH after Mike. I'm still sleeping, but to add to the tease there was a fair bit of discussion about midgets and definitely degeneracy was front and centre.. I will emphasize though, Mike is an all round nice guy no matter what else I disclose about him and his tipping was legendary.
.. and I wasn't being disobedient, I was standing up for my rights against US Border security's heavy handedness.. There was no truth to the rumor I was being part of a mule team..
Toronto Pimp
I still feel like a bag of poop. I don’t think I slept more than 15 hours over the whole trip.
let us begin this story at Toronto airport. Jeff was directly behind me in the line up for U.S Customs. We put all our stuff in the trays and before we walk thru the scanners the customs agent reminds us to empty our pockets. Mine our empty and I breeze thru. Comp, however decides he would like to get a free Man on Man full body massage before we fly. He walks thru the scanner and all of the alarms go off. The Customs agent politely asks Comp “the senior citizen” if he is sure his pockets are empty. Comp reaches into one of his pockets and pulls out a handful of spare change. He shamefully putts the money in the tray and walks thru the scanner again. Boooom alarms go off again. Customs agent less politely asks “the senior” if he is sure has emptied his pockets. Comp reaches into a different pocket and pulls out either a blackberry or a portable charging device (not sure which one it was). Comp puts the device in the tray and proceeds to walk thru the scanner for a 3rd time. Ding ding ding louder than giant slot machine the scanner goes off for a 3rd time. Comp reaches into yet another pocket and pulls out a keychain that had at least 20 keys on it. Now the Customs agent tell Comp to come off to the side where the terrorists , drug smugglers, and human traffickers go. The Customs agent starts touching Comp everywhere a man could be touched, sometimes gently and sometimes manhandling him like a drunk customer in a stripjoints VIP lou
Toronto Pimp
As I watched this Man on man action for over 5 mins I was traumatized. Eventually Comp came walking out smiling from ear to ear because he just saved at least $50 on a massage.
The tournament at the Wynn that we all played was so well run and I think it was great value for a $550 buy in. We got 18,000 in chips and had 30 min blinds with a $100,000 prize pool. The prize ended up being just under $ 300,000. The tournament director did a very good job making sure tables were balanced and the rules were enforced fairly.
As Comp mentioned Westside and my buddy Conrad busted out before we did and Comp won the last longer by 10mins. The only interesting hand I had involved my pocket AA losing the minimum on an A 10 J all hearts flop where the villain flopped a royal flush. I was lucky that he only had about 12 big blinds.
my bust out hand I had AJ on a AJQ flop and the other guy had the AQ. I did have about 25-30 big blinds but I was just under the average stack and wasn’t playing to get a min cash. I don’t feel bad about going out like that, I think at that stage of the tournament it is a pretty standard shove.
after we busted the tourney i dragged Comp over to be a good luck charm at the blackjack table...........
story to be continued.........
Just got back from Seattle - flew there for work Wednesday so haven't been around
Tournament itself was relatively uneventful. Doubled early in level two when a reg tried to push me off a hand.
100/100/100 I believe it was. MP opened to 300, 2 callers, 1 call button with QJcc. SB 3 bets to 1400. MP calls, 2 folds, I call.
Flop Q8x 1 club. SB bets 1800, MP folds, I call. Turn 7c, SB bets 4200, I call. River Tc, SB jams approximately pot, I call and win vs. 99.
Table was pretty loose as a whole, regularly 3-4 players to a flop, and 2-3 players even in 3 bet pots. Didn't have many hands to play, lots of loose preflop calls in position that mostly didn't work out.
Bust out hand - Level 6 I think, 300/600/600, sitting with around 28K effective.
MP raise to 1.5K, pretty standard open at this table. He's been pretty active as well. I would def say one of the stronger players at the table. 2 callers, I call HJ with T9, one of the blinds call.
Flop 789 rainwbow, original raiser bets 3k, folds to me, I raise to 10k with 17k~ back. He calls
Turn 2 (or 3, but a blank). He lead jams and I call. He shows 68 and hits his 5 on the river and I go drop some more money at dice.
Def a well run tournament. Very good spot with a great sight-line to the Encore Beach Club entrance, unfortunately it wasn't opening on the Monday we were there. If I had to grind a tournament series all summer that's not the WSOP, I would definitely recommend this one. 1 day tournament is amazing, good structure, and seemingly lots of bad plays all around.
I agree with the comments about playing at the Wynn. Great poker area and well-run tournaments. I played two of the $550’s (including their Senior) and thoroughly enjoyed them. The scenery was second to none - my first table for my first tournament was by the rail nearest the “walkway” to the beach club. As luck would have it I was facing the scenery and i’m blaming that distraction as the reason for my lack of success!
On another note, what did you guys think of the big blind ante? I didn’t think I would like it before I went to Vegas but I found it to be a good idea once I experienced it. That said, I didn’t get a chance to see how it works when you get down to 2 or 3 tables, which is where I think the biggest complaints are.
Toronto Pimp
Gogie;409707 wroteI agree with the comments about playing at the Wynn. Great poker area and well-run tournaments. I played two of the $550’s (including their Senior) and thoroughly enjoyed them. The scenery was second to none - my first table for my first tournament was by the rail nearest the “walkway” to the beach club. As luck would have it I was facing the scenery and i’m blaming that distraction as the reason for my lack of success!
On another note, what did you guys think of the big blind ante? I didn’t think I would like it before I went to Vegas but I found it to be a good idea once I experienced it. That said, I didn’t get a chance to see how it works when you get down to 2 or 3 tables, which is where I think the biggest complaints are.
This is was my first big blind ante tournament and I did enjoy it. The early levels didn’t seem to scary but later on when the blinds are 3000 6000 ante 6000 and you have 80,000 in chips the dynamic certainty changed for me. I don’t know if I should have defended much wider than usual or not....but I felt like I needed to protect that big chunk of my stack.
Toronto Pimp
So...... I decide to degen in at the blackjack table and Comp is there to cheer me on and to count the cards so he can signal me on when to throw out a big bet. After about 30 mins Comp was bored but I had the most beautiful little brunette dealer and wanted to stay. Stayed there for about 8 hours and ran my 4K up to 16k then back down to zero and then dumped another 2k into the table.
It it is now day 2 and I am down just over 10k. Ooooops.
good news is day 3 I had plans with an ex-girlfriend for dinner and the Beatles cirque du solid show.... so I saved a bunch of money.
I echo Toronto Pimp's comments, I felt the same way as I went out the same level as him. My final shove (after loosing 2/3 of my stack on a mid pair shove over a limp a few hands earlier) was J,8 suited UTG because I only had 6 bigs and the next hand would have cost me a BB and the same for ante so 1/3 of my stack in. It felt that this was my last chance to have any fold equity. Early on as Mike said it seems fine.
Just saw Mike posted, aaaaand, yes he is a degen... But damn lovable.
Toronto Pimp;409710 wroteThis is was my first big blind ante tournament and I did enjoy it. The early levels didn’t seem to scary but later on when the blinds are 3000 6000 ante 6000 and you have 80,000 in chips the dynamic certainty changed for me. I don’t know if I should have defended much wider than usual or not....but I felt like I needed to protect that big chunk of my stack.
I think you really need to defend a lot wider with BB ante, it definitely changes the dynamic. I personally think I would prefer button ante instead though. I know that it causes the issue in the case of a dead button but imo that doesn't happen often enough that it should be an issue.
Sounds like you guys had a great time. That's a crazy blackjack swing Pimp! Epic!
Wait until he posts his day 3/4 swing, well actually it started in Day 3 Wednesday and finished like about 9am Thursday while I was playing my good old Excalibur $40. tournament. I did this one because I had to do some shopping for the wife there aaaand I just had to play it since I naturally dominate. You get 5K chips, blinds start at 25/50 and go up every 15 min. 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, 200/400, 400/800, 1/2K, 2/4K, you get the picture. Certainly not like the Wynn, lol but I have so much good luck there it is a must for me to play once there each trip. 34 entries including reentries. It always amazes my how so many people blind down to 2-3BB's before they play. We get to final table and 5 of us have 25-30 BB's and 5 have 2-5BB's. They only play 4 places people... Finishing 5th to 10th gets you nothing but a waste of time. lol. Anyways, not much poker as I don't remember details of a tournament like this, I just kept shoving almost anything not opened before me as I had the biggest stack on my left. Finally we get down to 4, I'm 2nd in chips and a deal is proposed basically getting us all a little more than 2nd place money. Good to go as I wanted to find out where Conrad and Mike were.
Summary, tournament has no play, totally just luck, lots of dead money, but damn I can actually beat the rake... I think..
P.S. I placed 3rd and cashed in a $75 daily Tuesday at Bally's where we were slumming with Mike. (Apparently he usually doesn't stay in as classy a place, you should have seen the size of his room, big enough for a whole army of midgets.) With 3 left, (I had the lead) the other 2 tried to propose a deal where I think 1st was $550, can't recall the other 2 numbers but I countered with, since I'm the chip leader I'll take $600 and you 2 split the rest any way you want and I'll take care of the tip. They almost went for it until the one ladies husband who was waiting for her spoke up. Well I tried, it would have been epic.. A couple of hands later she shoved with A,3, I called with A,10 and she hit the damn 3... I guess it was karma for trying to be greedy, but I did want a story to tell. Out a couple of hands later when I shoved with 10,8 suited, into the other guys KK.
Don't defend BB anymore than you are supposed to. Ante is already in the pot and is considered dead money, BB ante basically is the size of the BB, which is usually how much it is if everyone ante'd themselves individually.
Toronto Pimp
westside8;409716 wroteDon't defend BB anymore than you are supposed to. Ante is already in the pot and is considered dead money, BB ante basically is the size of the BB, which is usually how much it is if everyone ante'd themselves individually.
Wes, I agree with you 100%.... but..... it just feels like you should defend so wide because you have 6000 already in a 9000 pot. You have to remove the emotional attachment to the dead money.... but it is hard to do.
westside8;409716 wroteDon't defend BB anymore than you are supposed to. Ante is already in the pot and is considered dead money, BB ante basically is the size of the BB, which is usually how much it is if everyone ante'd themselves individually.
You're probably right (I definitely shouldn't be arguing tournament strat with you). I get that it works out to the same in the long run but when I'm sitting with 20BBs or less and shorthanded with few tables left my button range is going to change if I'm posting BB plus BB ante.
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Toronto Pimp
So.... we are flying home Thursday night on the red eye and it is Wednesday evening.
We had done a few credit card roulette’s for meals and Comp decided not to join us for our last dinner but let us use his credit card for the roulette. We had a reservation at Carbone in the Aria, this is one of my favourite places to eat in Vegas. The food and service is second to none.
Sadly Comp lost the credit card roulette and ..............
Toronto Pimp
Thanks Comp........... dinner was yummy
Toronto Pimp;409717 wroteWes, I agree with you 100%.... but..... it just feels like you should defend so wide because you have 6000 already in a 9000 pot. You have to remove the emotional attachment to the dead money.... but it is hard to do.
6000 in 15000.
Toronto Pimp
So..... after our amazing dinner we went down to the high limit room at Aria and a bunch of the young internet wizards were also being degenerate playing blackjack.
I was down to my last 3500 and had all the next day to get thru so with my amazing bankroll management skills I bought in for 3300. Now the drinking begins , shot of Don Julio and a Vodka Cranberry..... had many many drinks. We are going up and down for hours, I had no idea what time it was. Finally around 9:30 am I had to stop playing because I couldn’t see the cards anymore and I could not stand up straight. I was told I left Comp an incoherent voice message and that my texts were not readable.
This was the end result.......