Off to Niagara falls with the family. Plan on playing poker Saturday night.
Anyone else plan on being there?
Good Luck! Having thoughts of a Niagara Falls trip but got too much stuff going on. :(
Went to Rama yesterday on the birthday and it did not go well.
philliivey;409375 wroteGood Luck! Having thoughts of a Niagara Falls trip but got too much stuff going on. :(
Went to Rama yesterday on the birthday and it did not go well.
From what I understand they are losing alot if the NL games go GBH. As they run 1/2 2/5 and 5/5 daily.
They had posted that a new operator was taking over Rama in Sept. Gateway casino is taking over so who knows what that means for the poker and everything.
philliivey;409377 wroteThey had posted that a new operator was taking over Rama in Sept. Gateway casino is taking over so who knows what that means for the poker and everything.
Waiting for 2/5 PLO or NL
Playing 2/5 plo . In for 800. Have 620. Good game great action. Only 2 empty tables.
Cashed out $855, for a tiny profit. Arrived around 9:30 starting playing 5 handed, within an hour had a full table. Half the table were regulars and the other half was recreational.
Played for 4 hours. There was usually a straddle, so playing 2/5/10. I'm not sure how I played these 2 hands, any feed back would be appreciated.
My stack was ~$520, c/o raised to $40, I call on the button with KKT9 ccdd. I debated reraising, but I didn't want to get it in pre vs AAxx as he was a tight reg from what I noticed. SB and straddle also called.
4 to the flop of T42 ccd, c/o bets pot of $165, I ship my stack with over pair, T and a flush draw. All fold except the c/o who calls with AAxx rainbow and manages to hold to scoop a nice pot.
Other interesting hand utg +1 raised to $40, folds to me in hijack who flats AAxx rainbow ( I have $500), button calls rest folds (anyone here reraise pot to isolate the utg+1, if I do there are not many boards that I won't commit my stack to).
Flop A74 rainbow. utg leads flop $50 into $120. I flat opposed to raising as I want to keep all bluffs in and rainbow flop. Button calls.
Turn was a 3, utg checks and I bet $150 into $270, button call and utg folds. I liked betting turn as 56xx was more likely to be in my hand opposed to utg or button range.
River was a 3. I ship all in $260 and button calls with the straight. I was surprised he had the straight as he didn't raise the turn. Guess I got luck on this one to scoop a nice pot.
First time in the poker room there I thought it was bright, clean and lots of TV screens. Would be nice if the chip cage was closer. I was told however that I could grab chips from the check in desk.
Drink service was really slow. Not sure if it had to do with a busy Saturday night, but it was quicker to go to the bar myself then come back into the game.
Will definitely go back to the room again.
I agree with all the above except I find it dark there with the decor, especially as compared to vegas rooms. Nice play and good fortune, I imagine with all the money in the pot you are likely calling on the turn if the button shoves anyways.
Looks like on the 1st hand you had approx 58% equity after the flop so the best spot to play for stacks against naked aces. If you wait for the turn and a blank rolls off your equity drops to approx 38% or the other bad thing that could happen is you hit on the turn and now get a fold.
For the 2nd hand in a casino where there is no need to vary your play of AA would be to isolate ideally against KKxx especially if your AA is rainbow or one suit. At least 60% equity pre flop even against double suited and straightening KKxx.
You could make a case for turning your AA into a draw hand if double suited where you don't mind a lot of players but be prepared to fold if you don't smash the flop. Cheers, Steve
The AA hand I repot from every position except the button and the blinds preflop.
Yeah I'm repotting pre and happy to play vs one player
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Looks like I will repot it next time and play heads up.
payperview;409422 wroteThanks for the feedback guys.
Looks like I will repot it next time and play heads up.
Come play my PLO game this Friday.
I would, however it's a long drive from Courtice.
Closer than Fallsview. Too bad about gbh.