You appear to be better at spins, maybe you should stick to them rather than poker..... Or maybe bug eating...
lol i draw the line at eating earwigs thatd cost ya :P they fucken pinches 0.0
Gotgot 560k pm chips if anyone send me 25 cents or anything for it lol open to any offer really
and Ty again to the justin beiber dog guy ^__^ that was quite nice of you i did a 3 doller spin and 2 one doller spins won last 1 doller spin up to 4dollers 3dollerspin lost 1 doller spin lost... i was like 79% before the river on the last 3 doller one -.-
il try to turn this 560k into a million i doubt anyone would be interested in anything under a milly..
lost it all hahaha
To be perfectly honest man, I don't think there's a single active member here that even has 1% interest in pm. The couple bucks you've gotten were just straight up donations with nothing expected in return. Might have to muster up new ways to refinance a bankroll.