Toronto Pimp;409028 wroteHad a great night with a very fun 2-5 table. Ran pretty decent and ended up with a $ 1150 profit.
Saw DJ and Nicole in the new restaurant outside the poker room , food was very good but service was slow.
had a super nice old lady on my table from the Borgatta in Atlantic city. She came with 2 full racks of red and said to the table with a thick New Jersey accent “ I’m just gonna lose this thousand to you guys then I’m going home” she was true to her word and was sweet enough to give me about half of it .
Made one bad call near the end of the night where I had AcKh and called off a decent river bet on a AsKc2c9d5c because I talked myself into thinking my ace of clubs blocker made any 2 club hand not make Sense. I thought he was trying to represent AcQc or AcJc pr Ac10c.... these were the only hands I thought would call my 4x raise pre flop.
The guy guy had the flush with Jc7c. To me this hand made no sense.
I don't know anything about the game, or the action in that last hand, but I think holding the Ac makes it a reasonable call on that board. You also beat a couple 2 pair combos from the wheel Aces.
If you were certain that he had the flush, you could potentially turn it into a bluff and shove. Depending on stack depths, Although, maybe better with just a one pair hand with the Ac, prob not the best to turn top 2 into a bluff. This is me knowing nothing about the opponent.
Either way, was a fun read. Thanks.