Anyone thinking about heading down this Sunday?
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barring freezing rain or lots of snow, im going to play in this one
just registered at #47. see you there marban. gl!
I phoned Brantford this morning to enter and it was sold out...there is always next month...but I usually enter the day before and get a seat.....oh well
Surprised it sold out already. I usually buy day before too.
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Toronto Pimp
Good luck trigs ..... kick some butt.
I started out pretty well slowly chipping up. Finished at first break above average stack. Didn't lose a single pot actually and only showed down once.
At 200-400-50 level, UTG min raises to 800, MP calls, HJ reraises to 2100. I'm in the CO with AdAh and throw in 6000. 2 folds. HJ literally steam shoves with 99 (he had been complaining about people raising him too much). 9 on the flop and i'm down to 18 BBs.
I grind for a while but mainly just maintain my stack. At 400-800-100 (i think that's what the blinds are) I'm sitting with 14BBs and shove my 88 on the button over top a min raise, run into QQ in the blinds and gg me.
i really have to play brantford more often. so many bad players there. everyone was showing their cards, some guys like every hand they played. 99% of donk bets means villain flopped top pair it seems. my favourite play was guy to my right calls a preflop raise to see a Kxx flop. he checks to raiser who cbets and then insta-mucks showing his K and says something like he knows he's beat. like, wtf? why are you even calling preflop if you're flopping top pair and mucking it without a second thought?
Actually I take back what I said was my favourite play above. I forgot about a better one against me.
Winner of the #IHateMoney play of the day:
It folds around to guy two to my right and he makes it 2.5x (I think it was second or third blind level, can't remember). I call with T9 suited and we go heads up to a flop of QT8. He checks and I bet around half the pot. He takes all of two seconds and folds flashing a Q and saying that he doesn't like the flop or some shit like that. Now that's a good line to take: raise preflop. hit top pair. check fold and show.
Card Dead
Why do you think I play there so much?
Nice TR. Terrible run bad.