I have not played any serious or consistent poker for at least 2.5 years...time goes by fast. Buying and running a business has kept me extremely busy. This past weekend I finally had a day off to sit at home and I decided to load some poker sites.
My game was wayyyyyy off.
I lost $1000ish CDN on True Poker playing fairly low limit PLO...then I could not reload as I was actually logged in on a VPN and was only allowed to deposit as the site thought I was in London...oops.
Yesterday, I put around $370USD on Stars and ran it down to around $150 playing PLO25 and PLO50...I was running pretty bad but then also identified a hugggggge leak in my game. I then adjusted and have been 3-5 tabling PLO25 the past 2 nights and have that back up to $640USD after a few hours of play tonight.
For the first time in a few years, I am excited about playing. My goal is to start 6 tabling PLO25 in my limited free time and work on my game while growing the bankroll and building up to playing larger stakes. It would be more profitable to be playing live 5/10 PLO in Vancouver, but I do not have the time...so, my goal is to be profitable online and study a bit in my free time by watching a few PLO videos here and there once I get up to 4-6 tabling PLO100 or PLO200 as I assume the games will get tough at those online limits these days. Hopefully, this will also get my game sharp again for when I have time for some live PLO...although I don't foresee that anytime soon as I am working 6-7 days a week right now.
Once I figure out my PT4 registration again I will post some graphs. Should be a fun challenge after my failed attempts at getting back into live poker with my current lifestyle restrictions. Not doing this for the money, but a personal challenge to beat the online games.
Also, WTF with the Stars rewards now -- are they horrid, I cannot figure them out...although it is fun to click on the chests.
If anyone wants to rail me I am GTAPoker3 on Stars...will post on here when I start my sessions.
