compuease;407476 wrotegreat to see both DJ and Mike at CN, played my usual extreme ultra cautious style^-^, only brought $400. so split it in 2 in case I busted but never needed the 2nd buyin... Turned my original $200 buyin into $434 before I cashed out and left at the same time as Mike.. Down early but just slowly built it back up. My biggest hand late was 2 black K's on the button, early position raise to 15, 3 callers to me I just call, knowing that at this point if I re-raise that's all I make with my rep. Flop comes all small cards, 2 hearts. Original raiser bets 35, fold, fold, I call. If one of the others had called I would have reraised to hopefully push out the flush draw.. 3rd small heart on the turn, EP checks, I bet $50. He folds showing JJ, saying nice flush.. Damn, if that heart doesn't come I likely stack him on the turn, he only had $100. left.
One strange hand I played a little earlier, I'm again on the button call after 4 limpers with 7,8 diamonds, both blinds call, flop comes 10,2,3 rainbow, checked around, turn 9 again checked around, I likely should have bet here. River K, checked to me again and I bet $15 into $20. pot since that's the only way I'm winning it. Guy in mid position calls with A high, just don't understand since he had been playing with me since early on and must have noticed I was just betting my hand up to that point...
I know these are small potatoes compared to DJ and Mike but sometimes the reasoning and logic behind others thoughts escape me.
Hope you had enough gas to get home Mike, after that session.
So anybody else planning on playing there NY eve, it will be wild as it always is.
Why not 3 bet KK , what's your 3 bet range in squeeze position? AA?
/* Sorry for the sarcasm. It was uncalled for I appologize */
I would be thinking to get stacks in, not worry about what hand they are putting me on. I don't think rec players are thinking about putting me on a hand.