Trip report:
Left Friday afternoon at 2pm from Mississauga. Rush hour was in full swing by then and it took what seemed like forever to just get to Oshawa, stopped in Kingston for dinner at 6pm. From there to Cornwall the snow was really coming down and our average speed was 60kmh, saw two jack knifed tractor trailers and a few cars off the road and in the ditch.
Got to our Airbnb at 10pm, yep 8 hours on the road. I am never driving to Montreal in the winter again.
Airbnb was a nice, private one bedroom basement apartment, the host stocked the fridge with eggs, milk, cream, butter and bread. Coffee and tea were also provided. Not that we planned on spending much time there.
more to come...
The tournament itself was as well run as usual. It was a re-entry with unlimited re-entry on any Day 1 up to level 8. Starting stacks were $50,000 and blinds started at 100 / 200, 30 minute levels for Day 1, so very deep. I ran very well up to the 2nd break, sitting at $250k - One hand that helped:
UTG+1 with 3-3 and just limped for $1200 (170k behind)- MP raises to $4000 ($40k behind), folds back to me and I call.
Flop is 3-T-T - I check and he jams, I snap and flip over the full house and he shows A-J. Merry Christmas :)
After the 2nd break I couldn't hit a flop to save my life. Ended the day at 147k and the blinds were going to 3k / 6k - 6k button ante. This was the first tournament I have played in with a button ante. What they do is, instead of collecting an ante from each player at the start of the hand, the button pays the ante for the entire table. so, it's like three blinds every orbit.
Day 2 started out great as my table draw was full of below average stacks and no monsters, so play was very measured and careful. If they bet at it, they had it. Made stealing very easy. i had a pretty tight image going, so I did this.
Blinds are 10k / 20k - 20k blind ante - I have $350k and am in the BB with K-Js - UTG+2 raises to 45k, button just flats. I think for a moment and figure I only need to get the original raiser to fold as the flatter probably isn't going to call so I jam. They both tank for a while and I get two folds with button showing A-Q as he folds. :)
With 18 players left, I pulled off a meta game move that I rather enjoyed. When we get to two tables, I have a big stack to my left (3 million), I have 1.7 million and guy to my left has 1.2 million. Blinds are 25k / 50k, 25k button ante.
First orbit, I just complete the SB and BB raises, I fold my junk. Second orbit, I complete again, BB raises, I fold. Third orbit, guy to my right completes, so I say to the guy on my left, " This is what you're supposed to do" and I check my BB, lol.
Next orbit, I look down at 9-6s and I just complete the blind again, BB checks, so I say, Yay ! thanks. Flop comes K-9-6 - I lead out for 75k, blind calls, turn is an 8, I bet 125k, he calls. River is a 3 - I lead out again for 125k, he re-raises me to $300k. I say, well, "My dilema is that I flopped two pair and I don't think I'm good enough to fold", so I call and he shows 8-6 for a worse two pair and I scoop a huge pot that doesn't get played unless I shame him into just checking his BB. (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).