So everyone knows in Hi/lo that a "wheel" A-2-3-4-5 hand can win both the hi and low halves of the pot. Im new to the game and was running a few hands by myself to practice recognizing Hi/lo hands. On this particular hand two hands were heads up J Diamonds J Hearts J Clubs Q Clubs Q Spades 9 Hearts 7 Spades completing a fullhouse for the hi portion. The next hand was A Clubs 2 Clubs 3 Spades 4 Spades 5 Hearts K Clubs 10 Hearts completing the wheel winning the High and low. So my question is does the wheel hand still win the Hi portion of the pot ? to my knowledge so far a wheel is a straight, but isnt a fullhouse higher than straight? would the pot be split or shipped to the wheel? Now taking this a step further , lets suppose the wheel was all clubs, making a straight flush wheel, would that be higher than the fullhouse, if the fullhouse was the higher hand in the first question? Please help me clear this understanding of the game.
For the high pot, you simply compare the hands as you would for any other poker game. The wheel does not have any special value in the high pot for this game.
The full house beats the straight and wins the high pot. The wheel is the lowest possible low hand. If these were the only two hands in play, then the pot will be split.
A straight flush beats everything except a higher straight flush. So it would win the high pot most of the time.