since no game running at my place this weekend, i have to get my poker fix somewhere.
anyone else going to brantford this sunday?
word of warning: this tournament could be cancelled due to BBJ. if that happens i'll probably just go play some limit and hope to get lucky.
Card Dead
I had thoughts on playing this but I doubt there are any seats left and I'm not a big fan of starting with 11 players per table. But you never know....
Card Dead;406598 wroteI had thoughts on playing this but I doubt there are any seats left and I'm not a big fan of starting with 11 players per table. But you never know....
11 per table? Is that because of BBJ?
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Card Dead
Yeah, they do 5 tables x 11 players when the BBJ is high. And now they have alternates, so you'll probably be 11 handed till after first break.
Toronto Pimp
Why not just call them and get the proper info.....
i did.
selling 80 seats for the tourney only 33 left as of 6;05 pm ......
i may may go to this since the weather looks crappy tomorrow....
call in and buy if you want to make sure to get a seat.
Card Dead
Meh, sounds like a lot of work. I'd rather just talk out my ass as usual. :D
Maybe i'll see you there again.
Toronto Pimp
lets see if fishcakes Triggs is going...... that is some easy money there.......
Toronto Pimp
I just registered, 25 seats left.
Card Dead
GL fellas. Couldn't make it after all due to "quality family time". Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
$330 in 2 weeks tho.
Didn't make it out. Family issues in the way.
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Toronto Pimp
Had 60,000 chips blinds were 1500-3000. Get pocket aces in the big blind.
Small blind has me covered and raises to 9000. I re-raise to 22,000, guy flats.
At at this point I his flat call is pretty strong so I think maybe kings or queens.....
flop comes 8 6 2 rainbow. Guy jams all in, I call and he flips over pocket eights. After running to quad 8’s so many times in Vegas I was expecting to see it again but the river bricked and I was still knocked out . We were down to 3 tables so maybe 28th or so.
played really well and built my stack the first few levels, put pressure on at the right times but those god darn 8’s keep kicking me in the nut sack.
good luck Yama....... hope you hit the bad beat.
Card Dead
That sucks. Brutal setup. But at you played well and didn't noob it off.
No one is doing anything different there Mike, just stay away from 8's.
I played this today. I won't do a whole trip report, but it was a pretty good day. We started with $10,000, and by the first break I had about $30,000 in part because with the blinds at $200/$400 I raised to $1100 UTG. Three players called behind on a table that had usually had only one caller on a bet like that. The small stack at the table pushes all-in for about $2500. I was happy that this re-opened the betting, and pushed all in hoping to isolate. I got two callers. They both had Q-9 suited, and the small stack had medium suited connectors. The one player who folded said he had Q-9 suited too. The flop is K-J-x rainbow. The good news was that there supposedly was only Q out against me and I had two 10s to block the gutshot draw. The board ran out safely and I took out three players. The table broke soon after.
By the second break, I had about $50,000. The most memorable hand here was when I was in the big blind ($600/$1200). UTG + 2 limps in, and the cutoff pushes all-in for less than $3000. I called the shove with K-7 suited. The flop comes down 7-5-2 rainbow. I am prepared to check it down and the flop goes check-check. The turn is a 2 and again it is check-check. The river is a 7. I throw out a $3000 bet expecting UTG+2 to fold. He calls quickly and I turn over my full house. He folds without showing. The cutoff had aces.
After picking up pocket kings in the first hand after the third break that held up against a smaller pair, I had over $80,000 when there were about 14 left. They started playing hand-for-hand after the money bubble when we got to 11-handed. This was painfully slow, and they didn't stop the clock. Finally, with the blinds at $6000/$12000, we got to the final table. The average stack size was $91000 at that point, and I was around average. There was one player at the table that I had seen earlier in the tournament and he had over $200000 and a couple of short stacks. It was frustrating to get to that point and have no real play. They paid the same amount out to 11th, 10th, and 9th. We lost one of the short stacks in the first orbit. For three hands in a row, seat 10 and seat 1 went all-in with a call. The first time the short stack had A-K suited in the big blind vs. A-J UTG. The short stack survived. The next hand seat 10 pushes with A-9 and seat 1 called with A-Q. The short stack held up. The next hand, seat 10 pushes with queens, and seat 1 in the small blind called with fours. The flop had three spades, and seat 1 had the 4S. River is a spade and seat 10 is out in 9th. Two hands later, the shortest stack pushes for $10000 with suited connectors. I look down at K-J off suit and push my $62000. The big blind - and big stack - wakes up with A-K. The A-K makes 2-pair and knocks the two of us out. The good news is that I had the bigger stack going into the hand so I ended up in 7th for a $728 payout. I played 4-8 for an hour and make another $100 while I was hoping to hit the BBJ.
Although I was happy with my play and it was nice to make some money on a rainy day, overall I don't like the structure that leads to a final table without any real chance to play poker.
Toronto Pimp
waltsfriend;406620 wroteI played this today. I won't do a whole trip report, but it was a pretty good day. We started with $10,000, and by the first break I had about $30,000 in part because with the blinds at $200/$400 I raised to $1100 UTG. Three players called behind on a table that had usually had only one caller on a bet like that. The small stack at the table pushes all-in for about $2500. I was happy that this re-opened the betting, and pushed all in hoping to isolate. I got two callers. They both had Q-9 suited, and the small stack had medium suited connectors. The one player who folded said he had Q-9 suited too. The flop is K-J-x rainbow. The good news was that there supposedly was only Q out against me and I had two 10s to block the gutshot draw. The board ran out safely and I took out three players. The table broke soon after.
By the second break, I had about $50,000. The most memorable hand here was when I was in the big blind ($600/$1200). UTG + 2 limps in, and the cutoff pushes all-in for less than $3000. I called the shove with K-7 suited. The flop comes down 7-5-2 rainbow. I am prepared to check it down and the flop goes check-check. The turn is a 2 and again it is check-check. The river is a 7. I throw out a $3000 bet expecting UTG+2 to fold. He calls quickly and I turn over my full house. He folds without showing. The cutoff had aces.
After picking up pocket kings in the first hand after the third break that held up against a smaller pair, I had over $80,000 when there were about 14 left. They started playing hand-for-hand after the money bubble when we got to 11-handed. This was painfully slow, and they didn't stop the clock. Finally, with the blinds at $6000/$12000, we got to the final table. The average stack size was $91000 at that point, and I was around average. There was one player at the table that I had seen earlier in the tournament and he had over $200000 and a couple of short stacks. It was frustrating to get to that point and have no real play. They paid the same amount out to 11th, 10th, and 9th. We lost one of the short stacks in the first orbit. For three hands in a row, seat 10 and seat 1 went all-in with a call. The first time the short stack had A-K suited in the big blind vs. A-J UTG. The short stack survived. The next hand seat 10 pushes with A-9 and seat 1 called with A-Q. The short stack held up. The next hand, seat 10 pushes with queens, and seat 1 in the small blind called with fours. The flop had three spades, and seat 1 had the 4S. River is a spade and seat 10 is out in 9th. Two hands later, the shortest stack pushes for $10000 with suited connectors. I look down at K-J off suit and push my $62000. The big blind - and big stack - wakes up with A-K. The A-K makes 2-pair and knocks the two of us out. The good news is that I had the bigger stack going into the hand so I ended up in 7th for a $728 payout. I played 4-8 for an hour and make another $100 while I was hoping to hit the BBJ.
Although I was happy with my play and it was nice to make some money on a rainy day, overall I don't like the structure that leads to a final table without any real chance to play poker.
You kicked some butt on the first table of the day. Was funny watching guys try and raise you light and then you put in a stiff re-raise and they sheepishly fold as they roll their eyes.
Your pocket 10’s hand was really strange. When you put in the isolation shove I couldn’t believe you got called by 2 guys with crap hands.
good job on cashing.
Card Dead
Nice cash.
I played in the deepstack on October 29. The buy-in was $330 and they reduced the tables to 5. There were 52 runners with 11 at my table to start. They paid the top 6. The blind structure was much better, with 30 minute levels and a $15000 starting stack. To make a long story short, I made the money. There was lots of play over the last 2 tables. I was first or second in chips at my table for most of the second half of the tournament. By the time it was 4-handed, the stacks were pretty even. There was approximately $13100 in the prize pool and we decided to give everyone $3000 (second place paid $3500 in the original payout structure) and play for the last $1100 all or nothing to the winner. I ended up playing heads up with about 1/3 of the chips. All the money went in when I had A-Q of diamonds vs. a pair of deuces. The flop brought two diamonds, the turn was a deuce that gave a wheel draw but the river was a brick.
The most interesting hand at the final table with 9 players left, involved one of the regulars (Bobby). I think the blinds were $1500/$3000. He raised to $9000. A relative short stack reraised all-in for about $30,000. Bobby, who is a very slow player, thought for awhile. He had put a peach chip ($5000) in the pot. He tossed five brown chips in the pot and the short stack immediately flipped over aces. As this was happening, Bobby pulled the peach chip back to his stack. He basically wanted to keep the peach chip and fold his hand. However, he did not say anything during this process. The short stack insisted that when he tossed in chips without any verbal action, that this was a call of the all-in. After a very long discussion with the tournament director, it was ruled that the chip action was a call. Bobby turned over pocket 5s. Of course there was a five on the flop and the aces were cracked. Bobby was one of the four that chopped.
Toronto Pimp
Congrats....2 in a row for you. Now you have to go for the threepeat.
Big Bobby can be a pain in the ass. Some of the dealers hate having him on their table.
Toronto Pimp;406738 wroteCongrats....2 in a row for you. Now you have to go for the threepeat.
Big Bobby can be a pain in the ass. Some of the dealers hate having him on their table.
Bobby drives me crazy when he's on my table. I'm not surprised at all he tried an angle like that.
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