Looks like a good tournament
But id like to play today
Any offers for some stars money?
my pokerstars name is trevorpwns
Hi trevor.
Welcome to the forum.
Have to give you credit for being persistent.
I'll help. What was it you wanted again? Think it was 18 bucks you had? That will get you 14 USD. Minus the $5 you offered... your looking at 9 bucks. Dont forget that EMT is usually a buck or so on top.
Seems crazy to me... but if thats what you want lemme know and I'll hook you up when I get home today.
Thanks but someone already helped me with that i was just looking to sell this ticket I have for the tournament tommorow :)
but on october 5th I will need help depositing again if you could help me then id much apreciate it.
Oh are you not able to trade tickets on stars????
Yeah. GL in the tourney!
If i grind up a million playmoney chips do you think someone would buy it for $1.10??? Seeing pokerstars is selling 800k pm chips for 3 usd lol