Card Dead
FYI, they now take up to alternates till first break.
First come, first serve.
Toronto Pimp
I think everyone is still in except for Yama. We started with 3 of us on the same table.... Will post in more detail later.
22 to go w/ Pimp, Card Dead, and myself still in
8.6k up top go go go!
Pocket Jacks.
(15th for 0$. Glen still in when I left and no bustout post yet... !)
Card Dead
Late in Round 15 and we just made the FT. Sitting on $70k with blinds at $2k/$4k, which is 7th in chips ATM.
Been grinding <20bb for hours and I'm soooooo due for a heater.
Toronto Pimp
I busted just before biffilmaff in 17th... pocket jacks on the button blinds are 1200-2400 guys raises to 7500 I flat with Jacks I had about 60k to start the hand guy that raised had over 150k.....
i flat with jacks flop comes 852 with 2 spades guy bets out 12k I call turn is red 10. Guy checks, I shove ..... he snaps me off so quick with pocket Kings.
I go bye bye when river is another king.
Was fun seeing all the guys out today and 3 of us made the top 17 out of around 95 players.
Good luck Glen.... I hope you go on a heater and win.
Card Dead
At 3rd break I have $175k with blinds at $3k/$6k. Sitting 4th in chips with 8 players left. Won 2 races for big pots. Now it's time to play for the win.
Toronto Pimp
Go go go
Card Dead
3rd in chips with 3 players left. Have about 30 bb.
Toronto Pimp
Already a good showing but ladder up 1 more spot.......
Card Dead
Out in 3rd. JJ < Q8
Toronto Pimp
How did the young black guy do ?
All 3 of us out with JJ... wtf!
Pretty good score 3rd was like 4k right? Nice run, gg.
Card Dead
He had a 2-1 chiplead over stanky-ass luckbox George when I left.
Yeah Andrew, 3rd was $4200.
way to go guys, congrats to Card Dead for the rode your 20 bb stack better than I did............played with Bfillmaff to my left for a few blind levels, good guy , nice meeting you....
Hey guys it was nice meeting you all. Hopefully next time I go deeper :)
Congratulation for cash CardDead
Card Dead
Thanks for the kind words fellas. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say hello, marban, but it was good to meet Yama.
Overall, it was a relatively uneventful day, considering how far I went.
I ran my stack up to about 35k by first break, but then ran really cold for the next 2 hrs, and my stack got eroded down to 15 bbs by 2nd break. There were no hands of note except my running my Jacks into Q3, on a Q-high flop, firing on every street, and losing to the hero call on the river (foreshadowing). That came at a tough time and put me in SS grinder mode for the next 4 hrs, but I realized that bluffing was useless (right Andrew?) and value-betting good hands would be profitable. I kept my head above water by value-betting top pair and stealing a few small pots here and there with preflop jams into 3 or 4 limpers and everyone would fold and my stack stayed steady around 15bb. I was also helped by the incredibly poor play of most of my table, and as they busted out one by one, they would be replaced by equally bad players. The guy 2 seats to my left was awesome. Never played a hand, and when he finally did, he would bomb it and show aces or kings after everyone folded.
As the day wore on, I realized I could possibly back into the money. At 13 players, 2 from the money, I was the short stack in the tourney, and then we get a medium stack with AJ 3-bet shoving preflop, and a call from big stack with KQ and oddly a medium stack with 88 and 5bb back calling. Flop is K high, big stack shoves, 88 folds (sadly), and AJ is out. At the same time, there was an elimination at the other table, and we were ITM. :) Mr. 88 goes out the next hand or so, and we are down to the FT.
I started the FT right before 4th break, and I had about 15bb. We were 8 hrs in and still hadn't made a hand better than top pair all day - so weird. I luckily draw the puck and fold the entire first orbit. On the puck for the second time, and super-aggro Mr. KQ from before opens for about 5x in EP. Everyone folds to me and I open up 77. I jam my 15bb, the blinds fold, and he snaps with AK suited. I flop a set (finally!) and hold for the double up. A few hands later I'm in the BB and a shorter stack in EP shoves about 12bb and it folds to me. I open AK suited and insta-call. Flop is AKx and I hold. That put me at 135k at the 2k/4k level. By the 4th break I had $175k and was now 4th of 8.
After break, players started dropping, one by one, including 2 guys that started with big stacks and just punted it all off. We got to 5 players and I had KK in UTG+1. I min-raise, and it folds to the BB short stack who shoves with QQ (gross) and the kings hold. We got to 3 players a few hands later, which made me the short stack at around 25bb.
After that it was pretty standard play for a while. Lots of min-raises and small pots being won on the flop. Around the end of the 5k/10k level I get JJ in the SB, button folds, and I open for 26k. BB calls and flop is Qxx uncoordinated. I figure this is a decent flop for me, so I bet out 26k and he calls. He's a good player and is never folding to 1 bet here, so I figure I could still be good here. Turn is an inconsequential 3 and I fire 60k, leaving about 135k behind. He calls again. Now I think he may have a weak Q. River is an ace, which is not the worst card for me if he's putting me on c-betting an Ax, and with only 13bb back vs 2 stacks of 40+bb, I shove the river and pray. Dude tanks for a long time, almost calls, then almost mucks, then finally calls with Q8. He told me after he really thought he was beat but just couldn't fold 2nd pair 3-handed. NH sir.
I was happy with my play, I went down swinging, and super pleased with the result. Thanks for getting me out to this Mike, and for all the rungood everyone sent. It took. ;)
Nice run Glen! Congrats!!!