[deleted] Hello everyone, I’m Christie. I’m new member here. I started playing poker very recently. Now I’m playing NLH and PLO in PokerFishS. I want to learn more poker strategy here and meet more friends. If possible, please recommend some poker books or learning materials for poker beginners. Thanks a lot.
trigs i strongly recommend "The Theory of Poker" by David Sklansky (found a pdf of it online here). great beginner book that explains a lot of the most important concepts in poker.
trigs moose;406192 wroteDoes it teach ethics?Lol no it doesn't but I'd be willing to discuss ethics with anyone. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
ReefAquarium Hi Christieljm, I would recommend posting hand histories of big hands you played, and what your thought process is. Then we can recommend what books to read, what strategy concepts you want to learn, and what other learning materials would be best. I started out learning Limit Holdem, which is very different from starting NLH and PLO.