Especially on stars, you have a bunch of different colours you can tag by.
On party and titan I tend to use my free sharkscope searches and tag players as following:
- Green: Winning players, over 10% roi lifetime over a not super small sample
- Yellow: losing: -10% or less roi
- Blue: between -10 and +10%
as well as tag down their average BI level
then maybe red or something if I see someone who's extremely profitable or unprofitable. This helps influence A LOT of my decisions in spots, but stars have more or less blocked sharkscope.
Do you have any ideas on how to tag players and colorcode them? having that kind of overview of your table is such a huge differencemaker in mtt's
I don't really use color codes. Only play on party btw. I do take a ton of notes though and just reference those often. Sometimes if someone is a really big loser I'll use the (-) tag and if someone is a crusher I'll use the (+) tag.
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I think I want more than that because tagging diligently has been such a gamechanger for me, we'll see what I can come up with