Toronto Pimp my buddy wanted to go and try out the electronic tables at woodbine today so i tagged along. I wanted to work a little on being patient instead of the chip spewer I usually am before the Vegas trip. All day I was well below average and when we were down to 2 tables I was dead last in chips. Just waited for good spots and by the time we were at the final table I was solidly in 8th place out of 10. i was a folding machine, kept folding the hands that usually get me into trouble. We get to 6 handed and only top 3 get paid. I am dead last again and my buddy that I went with was just ahead of me. i had 2 hands that really saved me. I got a full double up with 67spades on a 45K rainbow flop. guy bets out a min bet heads up with AKoff and i call. turn is a 3 and I just shove it in for about 12 big blinds. snap call and I double. a few hands later i had chipped up a little and i raised on the button with 89 of spades. get 2 callers. FLop is 48J, first guy checks second guy bets out less than half the pot we both call. turn is an 8. guy leads out 11,000 other guy calls. i really quickly hit the 25,000 and confirm to raise. first guy is chip leader and shoves other guy folds and I call. he had AJ and the river was a brick. i am now 2nd in chips. At this point I kept getting decent hands and just used my stack to bully some folds and see some extra flops. when we get to 3 handed i trapped this nice young kid with pocket 44 against his AQ. flop came 94Q. i check called a half pot sized bet. turn is an A and I check again, guy shoves and when i call he is not very happy. river was a 2 or 3 and i am heads up with the chip lead. pretty standard for the win .... I had a 2-1 chip lead and guy shoves pre flop . I look down at AQclubs and call he had KQspades and flop had an Ace and was all red. heads up lasted maybe 6 hands. I havent been to woodbine for about a year. it is 2 tables smaller and the one old grey hair'd boss is still crazy about the cell phones. always a fun afternoon when you bink one.