Smartie Hello all. I am very new to this forum. I've been playing online poker for years. Never made much, always been up and down at times. Last night I played a big tourney and won 5k. Now my question is. should I withdraw the whole amount back into my chequing account? or do bit by bit? im not too sure if I would get taxed for this, because the Canadian law of gambling. You can keep your winnings tax free as a casual player. But if your a pro and do it for a living, it's taxed. is it okay to withdraw that amount without being taxed? also is there how much you could win up to before you pay taxes? Like some kind of bracket?
moose CRA would have to show that your primary source of income is gambling before you would be taxed.
Smartie I work full-time 5 days a week. and make about 50k a year. lets say i make 20k off winnings in that year as well. it would still be consider my secondary income and i won't be taxed right? sorry I just seem lost in a situation like this.
compuease kwsteve;404839 wroteYou've got nothing to worry about. Unless the money is on some "less than reputable" site. If it's on Stars, as what Moose and Kwsteve say..
Monoxide Even if you won $100,000 THEY would have to prove poker is your main income, its incredibly hard to do. Its more optional, ill personally never declare myself as a "poker pro" even though its all i do and sports betting lol. Tax free gambling is how canada, really how every country on earth, should be. But just withdraw whatever you wish, small amount or all at once in a $5000 chunk. It literally does not matter.