djgolfcan;404352 wrote Only the top 1%, maybe less, are actually self sufficient from just poker.
Nailed it.
No reason not to go for it, dream as you wish, but you might want to do a few key things:
1) Bankroll Management: Play small games like .01/.02 with your 100 bucks
2) Track your results religiously, and be truthful to yourself
3) Look at where you are at after 10,000 hours of play - hundred's of thousands of hands until you've seen everything
4) If you are going to put that effort into online, then invest in a tracker
5) Read, Read, Read, Read, Study, Read, Study
Do all theses things and after 10,000 hours, you will know if you have what it takes. A few good sessions where we are talking about a few hundred hands is naive to think you can base any outcome of how good you are - or where you can take it.
As comp said "Play poker for fun".
Get good and take your friends' money - that's what I like to do, lol :)