Toronto Pimp
Crap !
this sucks donkey balls.
sold out!? I work during it but really, so 80 seats and sold out, with 8 paid whats that 20ishK for first?
Got very lucky, took a chance and came anyways. Apparently they opened another table this morning and I managed to get the last seat.. must be an omen.. sitting having breaky at the moment.
GLGL comp!
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Card Dead
GL all. Wish I was there.
compuease;403777 wroteGot very lucky, took a chance and came anyways. Apparently they opened another table this morning and I managed to get the last seat.. must be an omen.. sitting having breaky at the moment.
Take it down Comp!!! We are all pulling for you!
Did you win yet?
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Thanks for all the wishes but not to be. High point was 24k. Lost about 6k having to fold on the river to a million draws that got there.
With 17k flopped a set of 7's at 2/400 after Chinese lady who had me slightly covered raised to 850 with AQ spades. 2 spades and a 7 on the flop, she bets 1500, I raise to 4k with about 12k back, she calls, turn small card. She checks, I shove, she thinks for a few minutes and finally calls. Spade on the river and out I go just before 2nd break. Neil just went out, Pimp, DJ and Mathers still in.
That damn flush chaser.
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Card Dead
What, no updates?
Great to see all you guys again, thanks so much to Mike for bapping me and sorry for not at least outlasting you.. :) However I was really planning on moneying as finishing just out of the money is the worst. At the time avg stack was 23K and if I had doubled up I would have had 35k and be in a position to make a run. Thanks for lunch as well, you are just too generous.. Neil, real great talking to you after you went out as well. Appreciate your input.... Mathers, DJ, great to see you guys again as well...
Great to see you comp! Hope the rest of the team are running better than we did....take it down!
Just got a text from Mike, he and DJ are still in, down to 2 tables.
Mike is about avg stack and DJ just less.
Go go go..
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Ok now Mike just texts me that he hit a slot win for $1450 on break...... True degen...
I told him a true degen would have done that between hands..>:D
15 left, only Mike still in, dj out... Mike has 60K, avg 95K
My elimination was almost as epic as yours comp. Blinds are $1200 / $2400 (300), down to final two tables, UTG + 1 raises to $6200, I have $36,200 and shove 9-9 - It folds to original raiser who thinks about it for a while then calls me with 5-5
5 on the flop, 5 on the turn.
Avg stack for the last 20 players was $67k - 6 players at my table had over $100k. mike was at the other table
Go Mike Go !!
And it was great to see you as well Comp !
Toronto Pimp
Just before we broke down to 2 tables I got pretty lucky on 2 hands.... I really don't remember what the heck they were.... I went from about 22k up to over 60k when we broke. I gave them my classic rope a dope....... I fumbled with my chips a few times and showed some horrible pre flop calls so everyone thought I was a moron ...... till I wasn't....
when end we split to the final 2 tables one guy on my table (an older indian doctor) started crushing the table. I bet into him with a pair of pocket jacks on board of Kk3 ..... little did I know he had quads..... and yes, my read was so good I kept betting into him. ����
my bust out out hand was against Omar, I shoved 11BBs with AJspades into his AK off and didn't improve.
so.... I did play a slot machine around 8pm and hit for 1450 while on break......but then at 10:15 when busted I went back to the same machine and hit it again form $1600 more.... all in all it was good day .
Comp looked fantastic and healed up pretty quick and was great to see DJ, Neil and Mathers......
Nice run....who knew slot machines were a hedge to variance in the pokerz?
Great to see everyone..and thanks for the beer and lunch!!
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