payperview;403004 wroteWhat's your pokerstars handle. I'll take 1%. Just logged on to p* for first time in 2 months just to send this
That must qualify for some run good.
Stars name is wesleyw
moose;402995 wrote1%
JohnnieH;402996 wroteI'll take 1%, but I haven't touched my P* account in years. Can EMT direct to OP or to another bapper whom can ship on Stars.
Stars name above, EMT/PayPal can be sent to westside8 at gmail dot com
Current conversion rate is 50 USD = 66.69 CAD
Payouts on Stars on winnings will be in USD
Btw, for those wondering about results, last 3 live tournaments played, 1 WPT Montreal Package won at OPT, Busted WPT Montreal Day 1, 1 Fallsview 1K tournament satellite win. #smallsamplesizeforthewin