Decided to play the $330 Deep Stack this past Sunday, last minute. Called Saturday night and there were 36 registrations so far, that got up to 76 by the time the tournament started.
Got off to a great start, too. With blinds at 50 / 100 (first level) and I'm on the button. UTG+2 raises to 225, 3 callers, I call with 7c-4c, BB calls and we are 6 handed to the flop, pot is $1400 and the flop is Kc-5c-Jd. Initial raiser bets $600, it folds to me and I call, BB folds, now the pot is $2600. Turn is 3h, he checks, I check behind. River is the 6s, giving me a camouflaged straight !
He leads out for $1000 and I think about how much a missed flush would raise to make it look like he is buying the pot, so I raise it to $5000. He thinks for a while and calls, I show my straight and he mucks what he says were Aces.
A few hands later same guy jams A-5 and I call him with my A-Q and complete the knockout.
So now I am the table chip leader with $36k. A few hands later, at 100 / 200, I am in the big blind with Ks-Kc, the hand is raised to $600 and called by two others, I re-raise to $3200 and only the button calls. Pot is Flop is Kh-Th-3h- I bet out $4000, and the button only has $3k behind and goes all in, I call and he flips over Jh-4h for a flopped flush. The board didn't pair and I'm back down to about $27k.
Just before break, I'm on the button with 9h-Th, it gets raised by UTG to $500, 3 callers ahead of me, I call, SB and BB call for a 6 way hand to the flop. Flop is 9c-7d-Ts. Top 2 pair, it gets checked all the way to me and I bet out $3k, trying to end the hand right there. It folds to seat 3 and he shoves all in and it's another $7k to me and I call and he flips over J-8 for a flopped straight. But wait......... I do have some outs and lo and behold if I don't spike a T on the turn !
Back up to almost $40k by the first break and on cruise control.
I got moved just after break to a new table with some monster stacks and very loose players but I could not pick up a hand for almost the entire next two or three levels.
I managed to chip up to $50k when we got down to three tables and was moved to table 5. That's when I saw him, the J-4s luck box and he has amassed over $140k in chips ! I couldn't understand it, he didn't know what he was doing but was hitting miracle after miracle. Case in point:
27 players left, blinds are now $800 / $1600 (200) and he says raise puts out $3000, then tries to go back for more chips but dealer says its just a min raise now. So he gets three callers, including the button. Flop come A-K-Q and he leads out for $4k, everyone fold except the button calls (and has $20k behind). Turn is a 7, UTG shoves all in and is snapped off by button who has T-J for the flopped broadway.
the river is a.....................................7, giving our luck box chip leader a boat ! That's right, he raised UTG with Q-7os
I made it all the way down to the final two tables with $50k and the blinds were 1200 / 2400 (300).
I am on the button with Jd-9h. Its min raised to $4800 by our once chip leader but who has since given away almost half his stack after we got down to 20 players, but still has about $120k in front of him and we are at 13 players. I call as do two others and the flop is 6c-7c-Td and villain leads out for $4800. I call. Turn is the Js, villain checks and I shove all in. He thinks about it and calls with Tc-4c and hits a 5c on the river for a flush and I am out in 13th place, yuck.
Still like the structure, with lots of room early on to build a stack. On to the next one.
Nice report. Do you takes notes after each big hand or do you have a great memory?
Also on that last hand, why would you float the flop short stacked trying to hit a gutter when a flush draw is on board? You have under 10 M going into that hand so is the proper move (on the flop) to either fold or just shove? I mean, even preflop it should be a snap-fold unless it has been folded to you. Not criticizing but more curious to your thought process as the hand was being played.