Ok so as some of you know I am returning to Vegas this weekend for a quick trip with the wife. This is her first so I want to be gentle. Will not have the time to play long tourneys as I want to spend a lot of time showing her around. However I will play some of the shorter smaller dailies while she's making her fortune at the one armed bandits... Likely some cash as well but it will be limited. I hope to have her play at least one of the dailies with me (Excalibur 9am perhaps?). If she likes it maybe a 2nd?
I will have my small laptop with me so will try and do some reporting, especially since we have internet with the mandatory resort fee... Ughhh!
Gl and have fun!
Toronto Pimp
Have a great trip. Hopefully Mrs Comp kicks ass like usual.
Planet Hollywood for their daily guarantees.
$2/4 limit at the Flamingo on sunday for their splash the pot football promo.
Almost all the poker ooms have free wifi.
I'm interested to hear what is new & improved in LV in the last few years. (And subsequently what has gotten worse) Where are you guys staying? Please say Hooters.....Please say Hooters...
GL Dad and Mrs. Comp!
On our way, sitting at DTW for our 11:06 flight.. Let's go!
Kind of a rough day yesterday.. I felt ill for most of the filght down, not sure why as I don't get airsick, my wife was concerned I was having a heart attack but it eventually cleared. Actually I think it make have been dehydration as I tend to forget to drink when I'm busy or preoccupied.. Reminder to everyone, keep your hydration levels up!
Landed about 10 min ahead of schedule at noon Vegs time, grabbed a cab, told him Excalibur via Swenson and Tropicana, he grunted and said, worried about getting long hauled huh? lol, guess word is out there. cab ride $17. gave him a $100. and said just give me $80. He fumbled for a while but eventually came up with it.. lol, not sure if he was tying get me to say keep the change or not.. Checked in line was fairly long, about 15min and when we got up to the counter was told room not ready yet, told him wife wasn't feeling too well is there any other option. Got upgraded to nice corner tub room on 16th floor looking east towards MGM, Tropicana and the airport. Beautiful view this morning with the sun rising over the mountains...
Had the 2pm breakfast buffet at the Ex as that is our favorite and it was ok... Nothing special..
Took the wife on a little tour of the Ex, NYNY and MGM to get a "feel" as she called it.. Then ended up walking north to Walgreens to buy some water, snacks, etc. Man that's a walk for old people...
Back to home turf Ex and me off to the poker room and myself to play 1/2 and her slots. Only 1 table at 5pm but it was pretty loose. I had only a 10 min wait so that wasn't bad. Up and down a bit, finally decided to play the 8pm donkament, $45. 5000 chips starting at 25/50, 15 min blinds, 35 entries after a couple of re-entries and late comers. By the 4th level 200/400, definitely push fold poker which a lot don't seem to realize.. Saw one guy down to 700 at 4-800 and he actually outlasted me, so what do I know?
Any ways we are still at 3 shorthanded tables when I bit the dust. Blinds at 600/1200, I have about 12K, somewhat above average. Pretty card dead other than KK early, mostly just shoving at the appropriate spots to keep reasonably healthy although I did double up a shortstack who was folding everything. I was in the small blind folded to me with J, junk. I shove into his BB, he thinks a while before calling me with AJ suited, why he took that long I have no idea. My final hand I limp AQ hearts UTG expecting a shorty to shove, folded to the big blind who covers, he shoves A,2 and proceeds to smash a flop of 8,2,2.. lol. Oh well guess I shouldn't have limped..;)
Wife had a scary incident with a scamming couple which I will elaborate on later, gotta go grab early morning breaky and play the 9am donkament... Hoping I can get her to play.
Toronto Pimp
Have Fun and drink lots of water young fella !
Good Luck and stay safe.
Enjoying the TR so far.
Computer not working, told the wife you would be over tonite!!!!
I know you wouldn't want to disappoint Jodi!!!!!!!
Just kidding, have fun!
Milton Slim
Scamming couple? Must hear more!
Have fun. Don't win more than you can comfortably carry.
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Ok, update on scamming couple. While playing slots, and I poker, she got approached by a 20 something woman who struck up a conversation with her and it got to the point where the woman told her she had 3 boys and had trouble with one of them. It finally got to the point where she was asked for $40. for the good luck and approach to solve all her problems. lol, I guess I should do that lol thing since it's my wife but geesh not recognize it's a scam instantly.. She is just too trusting. I'm not sure exactly how the conversation went as she doesn't want to talk about it now but eventually she was feeling intimidated when the girls "boyfriend" appeared in the picture and gave her the $40. Then they started asking her for more money for more good luck and finally she got some backbone and said she had to check with her husband just over there.. I was like maybe a 100 ft away in the poker area at the Excal the whole time. They then took off and my wife went to security, they got involved, got her whole statement, did a sweep of the gaming floor with her, promised to check the tapes and see if they could identify them. Haven't heard back as yet.
Yesterday we walked the whole strip, most every casino from the Excal all the way up to the Venetian and back, approx. 8 hours her playing penny slots in everyone just to say she did it. Borrrrring... lol. I was along as her bodyguard. No poker until we got back dinner time.. My impressions are that there is a lot more homelessness and scammers on the strip then years ago. Millions of time share sellers trying to give you "free" dinners and shows for your time. Can't believe people waste a whole day listening to this stuff.
Played the 8 pm donkament, 28 runners this time and never got anything going or won a hand at all, Finally shoved KJ suited into big blinds KQ and out. Think I had like 6BB's at that point. You really need some good cards in the middle stages to go anywhere in these turbos. There is a group of 8 British guys here playing everyone of these and they make it real fun and interesting though.
Today stay closer to home and play more poker..
Lots of people out of work but there's lots of people choosing to beg instead of work. It is sad. Vegas is full of them because of the tourists and all the easy money. I'd guess most have addiction or mental issues but some might be just plain lazy. Get the police to round them all up and #MakeVegasGreatAgain.
Good luck on the trip.
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Toronto Pimp
Comp..... years ago I told my Mom to hit the button on the slot machine for an attendant when people would try to beg for money or attempt to intimidate her into giving money. When the attendant come by tell them the people are intimidating you into giving money and you don't feel safe. Security reacts pretty quick when the staff call for them.
Tx guys, busted out of this mornings tournament, again got crippled with pocket K's. 4 way all in vs A,10; A,J; 9's. A,J wins with A,J,3 flop. I had all covered and would have taken all 3 out and had chip lead. 43 runners, out about 20th.. Damn, I always used to dominate these, now 0 for 3..
Waiting at Luxor for cash while wife plays the slots here....
Good tip on the attendant button Mike. Never would have thought of that myself as I would just start swinging.. lol, we'll maybe not.
That I gotta see! Next trip?
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Toronto Pimp
Comp...... Just had a nap and had dream that your wife hit a $ 2000 jackpot........
Dreaming about hitting the 'jackpot' with comps wife? Not cool.
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