I'm playing at Woodbine 6am on a Saturday/Sunday, I've been at the table for several orbits, there is a decent loose aggressive player sitting with $1200 on my right. I haven't seen him do anything out of line, but I've seen him make what seem to be well timed bluffs and bet his draws. And he's sitting with $1200, so he's doing something right. He ends up losing $200 making a slightly looser call than he should have? I forget what the hand was. I have been playing nitty and the table is starting to pick that up.
I have shown down two hands, AK and AQ, my AQ got sucked out on around first orbit against KQ, QxxxK where I was check-min-raised on the river K and I called. In retrospect, I should have folded. My AK lost to, I forget what, but I had to rebuy. There was another hand later where I bet hard 3 streets, and my opponent folded river, which got me back to $320.
Anyway, to the actual hand. He is sitting on the BTN, I believe everyone folded to him. I'm getting ready to leave since the whole table has turned nitty. He makes it $12 preflop.
I look at my hand, I'm staring at JJ. I am out of position with $320 behind, so I make it $40.
He calls. Flop comes QT8, 2 clubs. Not my ideal flop. Pot is about $82 at this point.
It is my turn to act. I make it $50, about half the pot, but figure I should bet rather than check back to him and let his speculative hands get there for free. He might bet if I check, he might not.
He raises me to $125.
Me: ??