*** Warning.. long read ****
Woke up yesterday with nothing much to do... so..... Wife wanted to go to the outlet malls across the river in NF, so off we headed in our new Jeep (minor brag cuz my wife loves it!). We were primarily looking for sweet sixteen party stuff that seems to be tough to find here in Ontario.. Hit Timmies on the way for morning brecky, crossed the border at Lewiston, no backup at all at 11am. Get to the mall shortly after and wow has it changed since I was last there maybe 3 years ago. Covered in now, bright and airy but no people. Amazing how empty of people it seemed to be, is the US economy really that bad? Found what the wife wanted along with lots more.. Done by about 2, where to go now....? Look at each other and.... casino? Let's go!
Decided to give Seneca a try since we haven't been there in maybe 2-3 years.. Same old smoky environment although on the casino floor they do have a non-smoking section and it did seem slightly better but is still open to the rest of the floor...:confused: so don't know why they think that makes much difference.
Left the professional slots player (wifey) with her regular $400. for the afternoon and hit the poker room. Not much has changed there other than the fact that it seemed pretty quiet for a Sunday afternoon, only 2 tables of 1/2 and a short 2/5 list. Got on a table within 15 min, $200. max. Mix of obvious regs, both old and young, nothing really remarkable. Over my first couple of orbits found that 5 of us were Canadians, one from Campbellville, one from Cambridge, one from Burlington and another older bitter guy (OBG) from St Catherines who apparently plays there 3 or 4 times a week... During our conversations told them about Moose's and Al's games in Cambridge and about pokerforum so hopefully maybe get them out.
Nothing much happens in the first couple of hours, mostly small pots that I am involved in but OBG is playing a lot of them. I'm in seat 8, BB and OBG is on the button, I cover but he has about $180. Limped around to me in the BB I have J,9 and I call. Flop A,J,9, checked around to OBG who bets $10, I think and raise to $30. Just as soon shut it down here with vulnerable 2 pr. Everyone else folds, OBG calls. Turn 2 or 3 don't recall, I bet $50. and he shoves.. I think, not long but long enough to think he really didn't want a call. Now the best part, I call, river comes another small card and he says your good but still holds his cards making like he is going to fire them in face down, I just sit there saying nothing, wanting him to either fold or show as I wanted to know what he was shoving with .. Dealer says show your cards please, I ask, is that a fold? OBG guy starts to get perturbed as I really think he was trying to angle me into throwing my cards in... Finally he throws his cards in saying he missed his flush which he could have had on the turn although the flop was rainbow.:D. I ask the dealer if I have to show since I am the last guy with cards, he says no, and ships me the pot as I quietly slide them into the muck. OBG goes nuts, I was sure a heart attack was imminent. Bored floor comes over and asks what's going on. OBG claims I should have to show, floor asks dealer what the scenario was, he explains and floor agrees. The whole time OBG is blustering and pacing. I try to defuse the situation by telling him I had a straight, he tries to recreate the hand and realizes there was no straight possible. Guess I didn't do too good a job defusing.;). He finally storms out and the lady from Campbellville says couldn't happen to a "nicer" guy and agrees she thinks he was trying to angle me into mucking. Must be some history I think. About 6 wife shows up saying she can't stand the smoke and lets go.. Takes at least 45 min to get across Rainbow and as we clear customs wife says lets go play for a while at Niagara, so quick left turn and in we go.
Only 3 tables running but it only takes me 15 min to get on, half hour in and I flop a set of 6’s against AK, K and a 6 on the flop and I double up against a guy who doesn’t know how to fold… Nothing unusual here, now the best part.
Tables get short and they collapse ours. A little history here, table that I am moved to has been loud and boisterous for the whole time I was there, lot’s of chips flowing. I’m in the 1 seat in the cutoff maybe a couple of orbits in. Young reg, who I actually like is in the 2 seat to my left, he has perhaps a grand in front of him, I have about $450. The 2 loudest and most active guys are in the 5 and 6 seats, one with maybe 800 and the other maybe 600, effectively everyone of note covers me at least. They have been at each other, bluffing and rebluffing each other constantly, this was what the reg, Shaun whispered to me. One of them had rebought at least 5 times apparently.
The hand of the day (and my life to be honest). I’m in the cutoff with 8,6, Loud guys both limp UTG and +1…. Unusual, but UTG made a big show of it saying he was giving us all a chance to play… I call in the cutoff and so does Shaun on the button. Flop 4, 5, 7 rainbow… Is there any better feeling? I just try to hide behind the dealer, who is a big guy so I’m sure it helped… UTG bets $20 into 12 saying he flopped the nuts, UTG calls saying he did too.. I quietly call as does Shaun. Now $85. or so in the pot. Turn Q, UTG bets $40, UTG+1 calls, I call, again as quietly as I can, button thinks and calls. Now $245. in the pot. I still have just under $400 in front of me, river A, no flush, I have the stone cold nuts, this is what I meant by the perfect storm.. UTG bets $100., UTG+1 ships $500. plus.., before I can act, UTG reships, I of course call after dealer stops them from turning their cards over, button Shaun insta folds what he said was a set of 5’s and I believe him as he said he knew I flopped the straight or turned a set of Q’s when I called the turn. I don’t think either of them even knew I was in the hand they were so focused on each other. Pot was just over $1400. for by far my biggest pot at 1/2 ever. I think my biggest previous was maybe 5-600. FYI UTG limped AA and UTG+1 QQ, trying to outplay each other, forgetting the rest of the table. They actually both took it well, not like the OBG guy at Seneca. Tipped the dealer 2 reds, played another 30 min or so and racked up.. What a rush…. Wish I could say it was skill… ;)