Generally facebook will inform me of the weather, the scores of whatever sporting events are occurring that day, and the meals people are consuming within moments. Everyone knows this we all joke about it. However, last night / this morning... this happened:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
and, it now being nearly 2p.m. - nothing on my facebook account. Which makes me wonder why.....
Best I can come up with are
1. It's LGBT related shooting, and this somehow lessens the importance for some people, because, well, people are jerks. I discount this one mostly because most of my friends are the more LGBT friendly crowd.
2. It's another mass shooting, and they hardly register anymore, we're losing our capacity to care about them. I want to discount this one, but damn, 50 people is a LOT of people.
Someone help me understand why this tragedy - one of the bigger ones - hasn't registered nearly as much as it should given recent history?
(Please, no dumbass comments)