Toronto Pimp Anyone interested in playing this tournament ? $ 550 buy in . Most times there is over $ 12,000 for 1st place. I will be playing this ...... anyone else ?
pkrfce9 Good luck. But with your recent successes, you should do just fine! Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
BlondeFish I want to play this but as UBetIFold, actyper, lynx5, sniperb0y & other partypoker players know, that site has imposed a 30-day expiry on tournament tickets :bs: so I may have to play online on Sunday instead in order to avoid our tickets from being stolen. :rage:
Toronto Pimp If anyone comes to Brantford Sunday come by and say hi......... I'm the pretty one. Going to try and play proper pokerz and channel my inner Phil.
Toronto Pimp I really got killed today. Out after level 4. Ran into the nuts twice where I had second nut boat and king high flush into Ace high flush. I also lost $ 40 in the stupid slot machine.
pkrfce9 Hard to fold 2nd nut anywhere but Cincinnati. Especially Brantford. Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk