is now living in Chateauguay, QC. In a perfect world, the cops would have found the videos without her help, and she would be rotting in jail like her former paramour. Sadly, that did not happen, and she has served her time, and attempted to disappear from notice by the general public. Until this week.
Am I the only one who is somewhat troubled by the fuss being made about her whereabouts? I will stipulate that, if she were to drop dead tomorrow, I would shed no tears. But, as execrable as her plea deal was, she has served her time, she is not in breach of any remaining conditions of her release and, so far as any news reports have stated, has not broken any laws.
I get why the media is doing this (viewers, readers, clicks, etc.), but would society not be better served to just allow the police to continue to keep an eye on her from a distance, and ignore her at this point?
In a perfect world, she would be half of a pair of fatalities from a horrendous single vehicle accident that occurred on her first date with the guy she would end up marrying!
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FYI I believe the guys lawyer removed the tapes at his request and then eventually turned them in. The police didn't know about the tapes and needed her plea deal to convict him. She obviously would not have mentioned the tapes to anyone. The tapes were turned in after the plea deal. Blame the fucking lawyers.