results of initial morning session :
143 hands, +3.54
I was actually at +11 but I lost two hands, one AA in a 4 bet pot, flop came ugly JT8, but we had roughly 1.5 SPR and I had a gutty so I got it in, he had KJ87 and turned boat held. The other one I make slightly loose call with okay queens in SB vs button open 3 to flop single raised. flop top set, bet two calls, turn comes straight and flush, I check, BB pots, button calls, so 3:1 to me I'm roughly 3:1 to 3.5:1 against making my boat, with still $5 left to bet on the river and very good implied odds vs these two players so ez call but I brick the boat and fold the river they both had small flushes.
all in all a good start
Pot Limit Omaha Hand, ?0.02/?0, Meistro | BOOM! Hand Replayer
this was a nice hand.
Pot Limit Omaha Hand, $0.02/$0, Meistro | BOOM! Hand Replayer
so nice to just keep turning and rivering nuts. huge hand on flop too with 16 outs to the nuts.