Even though I have memorized RDV & Roi-Dame-Valet, I always peek at my dealer-supplied translation card. Tracking the pot size, pot odds, equities, ranges, default Nash Equilibrium play, etc. while giving the Timex death stare to villain is challenging enough for me, that when I get VD or RV or RR, my brain initially says WTF do I have?! I rarely look at my hole cards before it's my turn to act, but one adjustment I've made is to look earlier so I can figure out what to do with my WTF cards.
There was a hand on my table where the board was D-10-A-V-R rainbow. Player 1 checks, Player 2 looks at the board, goes all-in and smiles. Believe it or not, 1 tanks for a long time, and eventually folds! Even RDV-challenged me couldn't help saying, "OMFG!" Another clueless player asked if a player with a 9 would have won the hand. Poker is not dead after all.
The old WSOP rules could have given a penalty to 1 for folding the stone cold nuts. He was knocked out the very next hand by the same player 2. Welcome to Casino Montreal.
UBetIFold;400220 wroteHow was the adjustment to the French cards? Take a bit or were you able to adapt quickly? I'm probably over thinking it, but just really dreading playing with them.