Wolffhound;399692 wroteYou going to post all your links, stats, plans, goals, expectations or make anyone interested look up the stuff?
I may be willing to do it or go in on it with someone, but, usually the initial poster does the initial leg work.
Okay, that's a fair point, my post was perhaps a little sparse. Let me try again. Actually perhaps I will try a slightly different approach, and suggest a PLO cash game stake. Let me go into some background. First off, who am I? I am Zachary Young. Some of you might have played with me live in Ontario over the years. I am 31 years old. Basically my whole adult life I have been a card player. I started playing home games with my friends, just like 5-10 bucks, when I was 18-19. Then it was online poker, and casinos, and then I got into card counting, and then I got big into PLO, and I played a lot of online poker as well. Over the years I have experienced a lot of swings and played a lot of pots.
Pot Limit Omaha is a great game, especially for online poker since it takes forever to deal out live (15 hands per hour vs 45 hands per hour). It attracts a lot of gambling degenerates and generally you see much better action and bigger pots at plo as well as much looser games.
So what I propose is a micro PLO stake. Now the great thing about this investment is, we're not talking about a lot of money here and fairly low ROR. For example, to play PLO 5 with some degree of safety we could start with say 25 buy ins or 125 USD with a plan to drop down to PLO 2 at say $90 USD. So because of the plan to move down in levels your risk of losing the investment is pretty small assuming you do in fact have a positive win rate in these games.
here are my PLO cash results for this year only :
last year was good too.
I practice a very disciplined game selection methodology, basically only playing the very best tables. Lots of breaks. A lot of 2-3 handed play as well. PLO cash is my strength. And what I've done on previous stakes, and what I would like to do on this stake is when you win enough so that you have x buy ins for the next level (30 or w/e depending on what level of risk/reward you prefer) you move up and the idea is that the investment snowballs. Straight 50/50 split obviously.