pkrfce9;399769 wroteCongrats Mr. Twos.
We chopped up the cash when there was 5 players left for just south of 4K. We played for the two seats for the Hollywood Poker open in Vegas in June and I binked a seat!!!
Thanks for the support payperview and bingo buddy.
I will pm you guys tomorrow and settle up.
PocketsTwos;399770 wroteWe chopped up the cash when there was 5 players left for just south of 4K. We played for the two seats for the Hollywood Poker open in Vegas in June and I binked a seat!!!
Thanks for the support payperview and bingo buddy.
I will pm you guys tomorrow and settle up.
Congrats on the chop and the seat.
Were there any interesting spots during the tourney that you got lucky to win a flip or made a big lay down. You appeared to be between 10 - 20 BB during your updates, once there were 39 players.
PocketsTwos;399770 wroteWe chopped up the cash when there was 5 players left for just south of 4K. We played for the two seats for the Hollywood Poker open in Vegas in June and I binked a seat!!!
Thanks for the support payperview and bingo buddy.
I will pm you guys tomorrow and settle up.
payperview;399772 wroteCongrats on the chop and the seat.
Were there any interesting spots during the tourney that you got lucky to win a flip or made a big lay down. You appeared to be between 10 - 20 BB during your updates, once there were 39 players.
Just sent you a PM...
I will do a short TR later this evening...got home around 3am and I am still tired...have a couple meetings this afternoon.
EMT sent to Bingo Buddy for BAP prize payout @ 20%
Thanks to PocketsTwos for another hassle-free financial transaction.
I have been doing poker transactions since my first BAP on the forum around 2007, but there have been a couple of people recently (non-forumers) that were a big headache to reason with, so I will continue to update the
Staking Guidelines sticky and link to it with everybody I do a transaction with.
PocketsTwos;399775 wroteEMT sent to Bingo Buddy for BAP prize payout @ 20%
EMT sent to payperview for BAP prize payout @ 20%
BlondeFish;399777 wroteThanks to PocketsTwos for another hassle-free financial transaction.
I have been doing poker transactions since my first BAP on the forum around 2007, but there have been a couple of people recently (non-forumers) that were a big headache to reason with, so I will continue to update the
Staking Guidelines sticky and link to it with everybody I do a transaction with.
Imo you send them the post before making any deal, rather than after.
Just a thought :)
I included the link in the written staking contract, but if the non-forumer does not understand poker equity or common sense that you cannot demand multiple Rama tickets that never belonged to you, then I have to spell it out in the Staking Guidelines.
With the forumers such as DirtArse whom I have been swapping, BAP-ing, owing, etc. regularly since 2008, there have been no problems.
sn1perb0y;399783 wroteImo you send them the post before making any deal, rather than after.
Just a thought :)
Casino Rama TR...
Ahhhh, yes...another TR brought to you pf'ers by yours truly.
So this was my second kick at the can up in Orillia at Casino Rama for their $300 tournament series which included three tournament vouchers for the Hollywood Poker Open that takes place at M Resort in LV. The last time I went was a couple of months back where I outlasted 60-70% of the field, but couldn't get any momentum going In the latter stages of the tournament. This low-rake ($15.00) tournament has been frequented by forum members such as, BlondeFish, dirtarse, pkrfce9, irunit4times, torontopimp, and many others including players that I know from Brantford, Niagara and GBH.
This tournament series has been very popular of late, with many of the tournament dates being sold out weeks in advance. Something that is quite unique to Rama's offering is that you can purchase your ticket on tickemaster, albeit with an added fee for the convenience of doing so. In my case, I had emt'd Blondefish awhile back to secure a seat as he was offering to get some entries for anyone interested. He has been a vocal and enthusiastic supporter of this series because of the low rake, soft field and added bonus overlay with the HPO add ons.
As I mentioned earlier, there are three tournament vouchers that are up for grabs. One, believe it or not, is a door prize which is drawn from the tournament entry stubs after the first level of the tournament has been completed. So some lucky sod walks away with a $2500 US voucher and $500 in cash for travel expenses just for showing up! The other two seats (minus the travel money) are awarded to the top two finishers of the tournament. One of the women staff members that collected my personal info for the tournament voucher that I won last night, told me that Rama is a sister resort to the M Resort in Las Vegas and this was a promotion to their HPO Championship in June. There are no more seats available going forward in the series at this time....let's hope that it returns for next year. It really is a huge bonus to a relatively low buy-in tournament.
I decided to drive up north the day prior to the Rama tournament as I have an uncle that lives in Minden in Haliburton. It afforded me a visit with family, a nice meal, and a shorter drive to the casino in Orillia after a nights stay. I met Blondefish the morning of the tournament at Casino Rama inside the main entrance adjacent to the box office in the lobby. There we exchanged greetings and he gave me my ticket for the tournament, a WPT Fallsview poker bag for one of my kids, and a cash chip from his recent WPT trip to Tbilisi Georgia. I decided to grab a quick bite to eat in the restaurant adjacent to the poker room before the tournament start time because I had yet to have breakfast. We ran into dirtarse and pkrfce9 having a bite to eat, and I ordered some soup.
My new poker acquaintance pkrfce9 and I got the same table draw and were seated across from each other at opposite ends of the table. Seated directly to my right, was a player that many of you may recognize if you play at GBH, Rama, Playground or other local tournaments. He always wears a black, gambler styled cowboy hat, black jacket and dark sunglasses. I first ran into him at GBH last year when I played my first tournament there in years, and subsequently have seen him in Montreal and Rama a few times. I learned his name was Joe while in Montreal for the WPT at Playground last fall, when I overheard Mike Sexton call out to him by his name and asked how he was doing? I took this opportunity to introduce myself formerly so he didnt have to look blankly back at me every time I said "Hi Joe". He is a very friendly player at the table, and I am sure he has many stories to share about his poker career. As it happens - here is a short one that he told me...
...to be con't
PocketsTwos;399782 wroteEMT sent to payperview for BAP prize payout @ 20%
EMT received. Thank you.
TR con't...
What precipitated Joe - 'The man with the Black Hat' story, was something that happened on the 3rd hand of the tournament to me. After looking down at 9 4 off, I attempted to return the cards back to the dealer via a smooth facedown flick, pinched between index finger and middle digit, as I have done so many times before. As the cards glided along the felt on their destined path I noticed one of the cards catch an edge inadvertently, and flip over ever so neatly to reveal the 9 of clubs. As unintentional as it is, I am often obliged to feel a pang of shame over this simple fault when it occurs. To my surprise, the dealer called over the floor whom quite politely, handed down upon myself a one-hand sit out penalty for the infraction. My first ever poker room chastisement!! I offered no defence, nor argument...only a meek look of sadness to have my poker penalty cherry popped in such a humble fashion. Apparently, ignorance of some poker room's rules is no excuse at all....lol
Upon serving my sentence, Joe exclaimed about a time in his past when he was penalized in a Las Vegas card room. His crime was threatening to bash together the heads of none other than Men "The Master" Nguyen, and "The Professor", Howard Lederer during a seven card stud game. Apparently these were the days when Lederer was a 100lbs heavier and wore a grisly Adams cave man beard. He volunteered no further details other than his penalty was a timed one, and he watched from the sideline has his stack was withered down. Now, one must ponder, had Joe carried out his lethal threat - might have it saved many of us from the scoundrels at FullTilt? We will never know....
....to be con't
TR con't...
Play at my first table with pkrfce9 was relatively uneventful for me. At the beginning stages of a tournament, or at a table change, I like to take mental notes on all of my opponents at the table. It is amazing how fast you can gage other people's relative poker skill level based on bet sizing, passivity, how they handle their chips, their cards, their mannerism, etc etc.. I've been working harder on paying more attention to the game when not involved in a hand. As we all know, we are folding way more often than we are electing to play the hand that was dealt to us. It is important to use the time in between hands to gather as much information as possible about the other players at the table. I am a social player at the table, because I enjoy the 'people' aspect of the game. But that doesn't mean you can't pay attention too. It's equally important to have your fellow poker players 'like' you at the table. Anyway, I think I saw pkrfce9 sitting across from me smirk a few times when we noticed a couple of the players check raising the nut hand on the flop, and proudly displaying their cards without a show down.
I got moved to my 2nd table only about an hour into the tournament. My stack did not waiver too much beyond it's 10k initial start. I surmised fairly quickly that more of the players at my new table were more competent than the last. Also, a couple of the stacks at the table had already grown considerably so there must have been a few knock outs already. One of my more notable hands at this stage of the tournament is noted here. I was on the button and looked down at AA after there were three or four limpers in an unraised pot. I raised and it was folded around to a tight/passive player who decided to call. The flop was J 3 3 with two suits. I started the hand with around 12.5k. Villain checked and I C-bet about half pot. He min-raised and I called. ( I think that he thinks he is good here). The turn was another J. Villain led out this time with about a half pot size bet. My spidey-senses went off here. What could he have? I don't put him on KK, QQ, because he limped PF initially and then just called my PF raise. ( I think he would have re-raised me PF with these holdings). I also rule out 10 10, 9 9, 8 8, pretty much for the same reason - he probably would have raised with one of these PF instead of limping, but I don't think he would check raise the flop with one of these hands. All other pairs he may limp PF but again I don't think he check raises the flop. When the J comes on the turn....he leads out immediately. I rule out hands like A 3 suited because it's unlikely since I have the Rockets (and if he does have it its just a reason for me to get out now). Does he have a flush draw on flop and goes for the check-raise? Perhaps but now more unlikely that he leads on the turn I think. (If his lead out on turn had been smaller (like a blocker bet), maybe I would think flush draw) but it was 1/2 pot. It really looked to me that his range was more like K J, Q J, J 10....and really just got lucky here on the turn. Thoughts....comments?
to be con't tomorrow...
I love Casino Rama's great-value tournaments, but its AUTOMATIC penalty to recreational customers for MISTAKENLY exposing one card for the first time is one of the stupidest rules I have encountered in the world. Daniel Negreanu humiliated his PokerStars colleague Neil Johnson during the TDA Summit :o for the many automatic penalties being imposed at the EPT. Watch the video below that I took of the first part of Negreanu's keynote speech.
Many players that have never gotten a penalty like PocketsTwos have been penalized to sit out only at Rama. When I saw a player's card flash at Rama as it was folded at a slight angle, it was my ethical obligation to say what the card was, but both the dealer and TD gave him an AUTOMATIC penalty. :bs: I tried to remind the staff that penalty options include a verbal warning for a first offence, but they are clueless about TDA Rules (#66).
DirtArse got his first-ever penalty during WPT Philippines for mistakenly folding out-of-turn in seat 1 as he could not see seat 10's cards on the opposite side of the dealer. Like Rama, he was AUTOMATICALLY penalized to sit out. Matt Savage and I tried to talk some sense to the WPT Philippines TDs, but they refused to comply with the spirit of the TDA Rules.
FU automatic penalties! :rage:
PocketsTwos;399788 wroteAs unintentional as it is, I am often obliged to feel a pang of shame over this simple fault when it occurs. To my surprise, the dealer called over the floor whom quite politely, handed down upon myself a one-hand sit out penalty for the infraction. My first ever poker room chastisement!! I offered no defence, nor argument...only a meek look of sadness to have my poker penalty cherry popped in such a humble fashion.
Its good to know the rules . Next time, if it's short stacks, not a few players left, when the short stack is UTG, say you saw a card. He now cannot defend his big blind.
Quote the angle your proposing.
Seems clear. Say you saw UTGs card when he folded. You'd better make a good guess when you have to verify it tho. ..
PocketsTwos;399791 wroteTR con't...
Does he have a flush draw on flop and goes for the check-raise? Perhaps but now more unlikely that he leads on the turn I think. (If his lead out on turn had been smaller (like a blocker bet), maybe I would think flush draw) but it was 1/2 pot. It really looked to me that his range was more like K J, Q J, J 10....and really just got lucky here on the turn. Thoughts....comments?
to be con't tomorrow...
Here is my 2 cents;
There were 3 or 4 limpers, so you have to consider what they are limping with. AJ (could raise), KJ, QJ, TJ (would all limp), A3 sooted (could limp). Is this the type or player that would limp AA,KK,QQ and if so, you would have to imagine his plan would be to limp reraise if he wanted to take this line.
With that being said J33 is a dry flop for a limp/call and a great flop for AA. Depending on his stack it is quite possible he check min raised with a nut flush hoping to gii. I lean more towards a J in his hand and putting you on AK. The turn card was great for him either way. If it was a flush draw min raise or a J in his hand, its hard for you to proceed in the pot not holding a J yourself.
I believe it was a good laydown on the turn. Your only other option was to gii on the flop when he min raised you back.
Yes, I did end up laying this hand down... I would 3-bet post flop if I thought he was stronger, but in this case I thought there was a good chance he had. J behind. I wanted to disguise the strength of my hand by just calling his re-raise. It gives him another opportunity to put bad money in the pot since I have position. I will never know if he had the goods. My way of thinking at this stage of a tournament where I still have 40-50bbs that there will be more opportunities to accumulate chips. Obviously it's always a mistake to fold the best hand...but I think it's a bigger mistake to put more chips in with the worst of it, and this pot was going to get fairly big by the river/showdown. It was a difficult spot...and decided to move on.
TR con't..
So a little while later at the same table, a guy to my left gets involved in a hand with another player that is two seats to my right. The guy on my right has a fairly large stack and has been showing quite a bit of aggression so far. The player on my left is a younger guy and seems competent enough. They both are regulars to the tournament I gathered from the conversation at the table. There had also been some chatter how they have both final tabled previously at Rama.
Villian 1 on my right was the PF raiser and Villian 2 had just called. They are heads up. The flop was something like K 9 6 with two spades. Villian 1 c-bet and the young guy called again. The turn brought a non spade brick, and this time Villian 1 leads out again with a sizeable bet. The other player thought for a moment and proceeded to shove his entire stack into the middle. At this point I was sitting back in my chair and paying very close attention to his body language and face. Villian 1 went into the tank and was chatting up the other player to try and get a read. Since I was so close to the all-in player, and he had a thin face, I could see the carotid artery on the right side of his neck going like mad, fluttering faster than a humming bird's wings. I don't think I've noticed this before on other players as I'm usually too far away to see it or there physiology doesn't expose the beating of the artery. For example, you'd never get to see mine as my face and neck are too chunky...lol Anyway, as it went Villian 1 ended up open folding top pair with a good kicker, and then the young guy flicked his cards face up to expose a baby flush draw. The guy on my right said something along the line of ' I didn't think you'd shove like that on the turn on a flush draw with your tournament life on the line!'. The young guy then mumbled back something about doing it 'once a day', and we kinda paused and laughed after he corrected us by saying, "No, I said that I don't do that every day!". I put the observation in the bank, hoping that it might pay dividends later...
To be con't...