When I play $25 6max PLO I play supper aggro, VPIP is 60...I tend to defend or 3 bet any decent hand in my blinds. I tone it down a bit at $50 6max as the tables are more aggro and the key to profit is playing opposite the table in most situations...there is also a bunch of $10 max in there but I would play that just as aggro as $25.
I never look at stats much (don't play online much either), but saw this and am wondering about it as it is a glaring pattern...my first thought is to FOLD my blinds and EP much more often...although that may decrease my profits when I hit a big hand.
I make lots of money in the CO/BUTTON by representing hands vs weak opponents as 85% of players more or less play their hands face up at this limit and make it too easy to build 2-3 street bluffs for decent pots. I pretty much never fold anything on the button that isn't 3 bet to me as I can float and steal lots if 2-3 to the flop.
Thoughts and/or any comparison to cash game holdem stats for non PLO players?