DrTyore;399102 wroteBolded...
Thanks for sticking it out with my monkey brain Mark. :) Your efforts, along with the others who have chimed in lately in this thread have all but swayed me to the reality of a legitimate online poker experience. And you've done me a great favour because that's what I've wanted all along! :D
djgolfcan;399104 wrotePlease refer to my bad beat posts, there are numerous. My last two LIVE tournaments I have been knocked out after being a 95% favourite on the flop.
If you get a chance to toss a link into this thread you'd do my lazy behind a favour cuz I'd like to read about your bad beats. Or I'll get to it myself sometime in the next five years, lol.
Milo;399129 wroteFails to understand how probability relates to online poker.
Fails to understand Law of Big Numbers, and how it relates to same
Fails to listen to Mark when he is actually trying to help
That is a LOT of FAIL. Kudos.
DrTyore;399130 wroteDude, we kinda worked this out, he started to come around, and you pop in just to antagonize again? Do you need to chime in so much that you're going to re-agitate the new guy?
Again, thanks Mark (lol). Unfortunately, online and irl I can be agitated a little too easily sometimes. Nice to have someone back you up.
kaipanoulias666;399151 wroteI'm a little late to this party, but to help ease your mind a little, here are a few crazy things I have seen live. (I play both live and online, and in my experience, I've seen much stranger things live than online.)
1) I had pocket Kings and was in a 5 way pot. The flop (which I folded on) was A29 rainbow. My opponents hands were: KK, A2, A2, and crazier still, A2!
2) I watched a four way all in pot where the hands were AA, AA, KK, and KK. If that's not enough for you, the player with the A of spades won with a four flush board.
3) this is probably my favourite. Final board was AQ973. All players were all in on the river (after a whole lot of slowplaying on everyone's part) all players showed, because it was hilarious. Hands; AA,QQ,99,77,33 and AQ!
So as painful as your beats are, and the quick way you were dealt them, just remember these three hands from live casino games. Yes variance sucks, but a whole lot of crazy things can happen in this beautiful game we call poker. :)
Haha, thanks for joining the party and for your thoughts. Those are some hard-to-even-believe-they-could-happen scenarios, you don't even see hands quite that crazy on YouTube.
Hopefully I can enjoy online poker a little more now as my mind slowly comes at ease with all of the insanity that can ensue while playing poker.