It lives.
It's been a long since since I did a BAP...I haven't had much free time lately to play live at all and the Omaha games are all the way in Vancouver:( so I have been playing a bit of PLO on Stars while watching shows on my laptop and am thinking of doing a small BAP for fun around the .25/.5 to .5/1 stakes...and will probably keep going up if I am winning and everyone agrees. So far so good, I started at .1/.25 and have played some .25/.5 seem super soft so far, I generally only play 2-3 tables while watching the teevee (Vinyl looks promising):
For those of you too young or too old:) to recall, I did a pretty successful cash game PLO (live) BAP on here a couple of years ago. This is probably a bit riskier as I never play online, but it is for far less money than I play for live.
Interest? I haven't decided the stakes yet or the total BRoll but will get around to it if there is interest...will probably sell 1/2 my starting Broll.
I've decided to will go with 16bi and start at .25/ that is $800 US...will sell up to 50%. The target is double, or $1600. At that point you can cash out or we will continue or start over at this limit or move up to 0.5/1. At $1600 I can also decide to end the BAP (but what fun would that be). BAP is over if I bust the bankroll.
FYI, I have been killing time playing .1/.25 and it is super soft, I have played a bit of .25/.5 and it is a bit tougher but still pretty soft. Hoping that dropping down to .1/.25 when needed will keep the bankroll healthy for the BAP barring any prolonged runbad...which could never happen in PLO:)
I have no idea what the conversion rate is on Stars, so it would be easiest just to transfer on there. If anyone needs to send via EMT we can work out the amount at that time based on the Stars conversion rates.
I may move up or down one limit during any session depending on the games and how I am playing. Overall bankroll will be updated with a screen shot on here after most sessions (time dependent). I do not use HUDs or Trackers, so you gonna have to trust the screenshots. I will not be playing the first week of March as I will be traveling in Central America.
So, for sale...a total of $400USD...winnings based on %age of the bankroll that you own and I will throw in whatever cash bonuses I purchase ($10/1000 stars coins) as we keep blending.
I will update on here whenever I am starting a session and if someone tells me how to do it you can watch me play with hole cards via team viewer or similar (is that legal?). Was it Dj on here that was playing some PLO cash before...can give some lessons while this goes on.
RESERVE GTAPoker3 on Stars...$400USD for sale:
Milo 5% = $20 PAID
DrTyore 25% = $100 PAID
Pinhead 25% = $100 PAID
Payperview 45% = $180 PAID
time to blend...