comp I think we're going to need a new section in the strategy forum.
Pornhub's New Strip Poker Website Takes Care Of All Your Vices At Once
......The carnal-themed casino's focus is getting members to spend their wad rather than blow it, but there are some allusions to Pornhub's main business.The croupiers occasionally flash their breasts to players who ask nicely through a chat box. Also, a win on the online slot machine results in a quick scene from an adult movie.
One of the selling points the casino is using to attract players is the online video strip poker.
"It's available in two options: public tables and friend’s tables," Price said. "Our public tables are viewable by all players and anyone can join. Our friend’s table section includes those that only people in your friends list can access.
"We use webcams so everyone can see each other and speak to one another as though you would in a real setting. So yes, people who play will be visible.".........