djgolfcan We were drawn to table 36 as there was a lot of commotion going on, and it turns out there was a four-way all-in underway! We missed the exact action preflop, but here were the hands that were tabled: Blinds are 30k / 60k, 10k Philip Tse (utg): 260k Kosta Papa (cutoff): 1.8million Michel Poulin (button): 545k Devon Bestard (big blind): Qc-Qd - 565k Let's try to forget about results for the moment and I'll spell out my reasoning for calling. UTG is really short and can be shipping with any two as he is about to be the BB and lose a quarter of his stack. The cut off re-raise all-in smells of isolating the short stack with a hand he doesn't want multi-way (7-7 to J-J, A-K, A-Q). The only one that concerned me was the button call as he stands to move up the pay scale just by folding but he is short as well, with less than 9 BBs. I have less than 9 BBs as well and if I win this hand, will have almost 2million in chips and over 30bbs getting 3:1 on a call and only getting the wrong price against Aces or Kings, I called. Would love to hear other thoughts and opinions.
pkrfce9 Put button on a range and the answer is EZ. Hint: You have to know he's pretty strong here. Interesting hand. I didn't think you'd be the 4th all in there. I had some idea the action was different.
BlondeFish Your all-in call with QQ was standard, along with all the other players' K9s, 88 & AK. Folding is the worst option for all the players. Now as for the chipleaders agreeing to give more money to the lower places in the final table - not once, but twice - instead of utilizing ICM pressure... djgolfcan;397608 wroteWould love to hear other thoughts and opinions.
compuease Even Comp get's it in here.... ICM, SmashCM, why do you keep harping on that BF.. There are other things in life you know. Hard to convince others at the table why they should fold to ICM pressure when they can't even spell it. Not everyone has read the same books.
BlondeFish ICM is what pkrfce9 and I learnt together while we were playing with each other in 2007. Better with Vaseline tho. pkrfce9;397638 wrote*can*