djgolfcan;397479 wroteOn a side note, we were very late leaving for Montreal and at around 10pm, we stopped for coffee. I feel a tap on my shoulder while in line and it's Matters ! He decided to play in it last minute.
Then I get to my table and guess who is sitting two to my left? Crazy.
GO DJ!!!!! BRING IT HOME TOMORROW!!!! I just got back. Way to go man!!!! Keep me posted!
As a side note, our table broke pretty early on. I made it to Day 2 pretty short after getting tank-called on a semi-bluff and whiffing and then getting my AK crushed by AQ. Busted around 180th. 1st time to Playground for both DJ and I and I have to say, the place is fantastic. Great tourney, structure, food, service. 10/10.