Post Vegas recap.
This isn't going to be a full on TR, or at least I hope, but a bunch of photos with maybe some commentary on each.
Day 1.
Wake up Monday morning (my actual bday) at 4:30 am and go to airport for 9:10 flight. Wake up sick as a dog. Sickest I've been in over a year. Just great. Why me, why today.
Arrive at airport to learn that 9:10am flight has been delayed to 8:45 pm flight. Fantastic.
Have breakfast, drive around. Go back home and catch a couple zzz's. Arrive back at airport in evening. Flight is delayed another 2 hours longer again. Unbelievable.
Many $10 airport beers were had while waiting. Finally board airplane and arrive at 11:50pm Vegas time. (10 minute left of bday) oh well at least we're here.
View of Toronto skyline. Never flew before at night so lots of sights to take in.
It's now 1:30 when we arrive at the mirage (4:30am still my time) no check in line. Try $20 trick. No dice even though pretty sure guy in front of me got a complementary upgrade.
Walk in a couple circles inside and out but decide were both way to tired and go to bed. Also of note, freezing cold outside. Huge cold front came in for the entire week. Oh well.
Day 2.
Have mirage buffet breakfast. Bit pricey but awesome selection and unlimited beer and wine!!! Needless to say we were both quite buzzed by the end.
We walk the property to see it in daylight for the first time. Absolutely gorgeous. Very tropical feel. Massive complex and hotel, beyond bigger then I've ever seen. Pic from hotel room. Floor 20. Far from an amazing view. Mostly building tops but still very nice. Beautiful mountains. Didn't even know there were any there.
We check out the pool. Main pool closed for season but a secondary small heated pool still open. Unfortunately we never got a chance to utilize it.
We then do the mirage's sigfield(sp?) and Roy's Dolphin and tiger exibit. Had a couple discount coupons. Great dolphin shows and a cool zoo like feel with all the Tigers.

....nice kitty.....
We then proceed to walk the strip for the first time. Our goal is to get to the 'welcome to Vegas' sign for a photo op then proceed back.
First impression is these buildings / casinos / complex's are astonishingly massive. It was really hard to take in how big and how many of these buildings there were. Soooo cool.
Finally get to Vegas sign and get a couple photos in. Wave to the live stream camera off to the right which some family is watching from online in real time. Then head back north on foot.
Get to tropicania and get in a cab to go to Ellis island. Guy asks, "going for dinner"? I guess everyone knows it's a hot spot for their dinners.
Get there, sign up for players card, gambol on it a bit to unlock new levels, print off voucher and go into the bbq for dinner. Opted for only the half rack platter. WOW! What an amazing dinner.
Beer is fantastic also, and cheap! Very friendly place, and cheap gambolling. I have a feeling we're coming back here again b4 we leave.
Gf goes to bed rather early at about 10:15 local time and says "go play pok......".....I'm already downstairs b4 she could finish the sentence.
I said I had no interest in playing any casinos $40-80 daily / nightly trny's. Spoiler alert, that's all I ended up playing.
Late reg'd the mirage's 10:00 pm $65 nightly. 10k start. Only 1 table with a total of about 13 entries including reentries. Get heads up.
Lots of back and forth. He has about 60% I have about 40%. He opens JQo on btn, I jam A3o. He calls and I lose. Cash for $180. Play a bit of cash after. Lose about 100 back. Go to bed.