For more than a year hostilities continue on the territory of Ukraine. Not so long ago our country used to be peaceful, and now we are burying our citizens almost every day.
As it always happens trouble came from where it was least expected! Even in their worst dreams Ukrainians couldn’t imagine that the Russian Government would launch a war between sister nations while well aware of the fact that every third citizen of these countries has got relatives both in Ukraine and in Russia. This happened regardless of Ukraine’s rejection of nuclear weapons, according to Budapest Memorandum, and Russia’s commitment (together with the USA and the UK) to refrain from any threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine.
The Memorandum was signed 20 years ago and political leadership in Russia has changed since. Obligations signed earlier have lost their validity unilaterally at that moment when by the efforts of Russian spies and Ukrainian corrupt officials and with the support of Russian soldiers the Crimea peninsula was annexed according to the falsified results of the so-called “referendum”. And as if it was not enough, practically right after that the war was launched in the East of Ukraine. Bloody, fratricidal, terrible war.
Military equipment, including artillery and tanks, huge amount of weapons and ammunition, numerous Russian professional soldiers for training terrorists were brought through the part of the borderline uncontrolled by Ukraine in to the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions occupied by Russia.
Who could’ve thought about the possibility of such unprincipled cruelty? Who could’ve imagined that Putin, the President of Russia, would avow that his soldiers “will hide behind Ukrainian civilian residents’ backs"? By the way, that was what actually happened when terrorists’ artillery crews hid in residential settlements while shelling Ukrainian army positions.
As a result of hostilities thousands of Ukrainians have lost their lives – both soldiers and civilian residents; millions of Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes in haste and seek refuge in other regions of Ukraine, as well as abroad.
Such is the price Ukraine is paying today for choosing a democratic way of development! After all, this horror started after Ukrainians openely declared their intention to join the European Union. As a result the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych fled to Russia with his closest assosiates and the war broke out in Ukraine...
The drastic state Ukraine is in right now is the reason "New Format" charity foundation was created. Our main purpose is elimination of the hostilities' consequences and assistance in a speedy termination of war on the territory of Ukraine.
Thanks in advance for your understanding!
To learn more about charity foundation you may visit our site:
P.S. It is embarassing to ask for money, but at times we have no choice… When blood, violence and death come to your home. When the enemy is strong and insidious. When there are thousands of deceased and and dozens of thousands of wounded and disabled.
War is the ugliest of things! God bless you and your loved ones!