It didn't start out well. Well it sort of did, I was getting great starting cards but they weren't hitting. I'd raise 4x and get 4 callers and miss the flop, happened at least 10 times before the 4th level and I find myself down to $10k from the $15k starting stack. But blinds are 100 / 200 with a 25 ante at this point.
Then I raise UTG with AKos, get three callers and flop A-K-6 and I get an Ace to call all three streets for a nice pot. Then, on my BB, I have 4-4 and call a preflop raise and go 5 ways to a flop pf Q-5-4. It checks to the original raiser who bets out 1/2 pot, I flat, UTG flats, everyone else folds. Turn is a 7, I check, UTG checks and raiser bets pot with $6000 behind and the pot it now $12k and I raise all in, UTG folds and raiser tanks, calls and shows A-Q and is drawing dead. Now I'm over starting stack before the break.
After break I go on a nice run and chip up to $40k by the time the blinds are $500 / $1000. I'm UTG+1 and raise my Q-Q to $2500, get 4 callers. Flop is J-8-4 rainbow. I lead out for $5k, folds to button who shoves for $25k, I go all in to get the rest of the table to fold and the guy flips over K-Jos, turn is a brick, river is a King and I get cut down to $12,500.
I'm UTG+1 and see Qc-Jc, with only 11BBs, I shove, it folds to Button who shoves and shows A-A. Flop comes A-K-T, holy crap, I just flopped Broadway. Thankfully the board doesn't pair and I more than double up to $25k. Then I call a shove from the BB a few hands later and my A-Jos holds against the shorter stacks A-8.
I stay around the $50/$60k mark for the next hour as the blinds go up and up. Now they are at $3k / $6k with a $500 ante. And there are only 12 of us left, at which point I get moved to the other table. As soon as I move, someone busts from the other table and we are down to 11 now.
Average stack size is 110k and I'm at 55k when I get moved. I shove my SB once to win the blinds and antes during the next two orbits. Then I'm UTG+2 and see Ac-Ks, UTG raises to 12k, I shove and the button goes all in, UTG folds and button shows Qc-Qd.
Button has me covered by about $50k. Flop is Tc-6c-3d - turn 5c, so I now have two overs and a flush draw to win the hand and the river comes a Ts and I'm out on the final table bubble.
I like playing Brantford tournaments but the blind structure makes it all in or fold with about 20 players left. Well, at least it should be, but I am amazed at how many players min raise with 8bbs and fold to a re-raise.
Nice trip report! I agree that the game becomes an all in or fold game, which is where our edge can certainly pay off if we know proper push fold game. Although this does then turn the game into a bit of a luck situation at the very end, but once you get onto the final table, it usually opens up a bit with the chips floating around. I think the skill level at Brantford are pretty poor and anyone with a good knowldge of the game can certainly look to play these games for profit assuming they can hit the better side of the variance. But nice trip report and good luck on the next one! P.s. next time you consider going, shoot me a pm or a text or something and you never know, I just may end up tagging along!