Hey guys and gals, I am thinking of playing the wednesday $325 tourney at the Great Blue Heron, and I wanted to see if anyone was interested in staking me. I am open to selling off my action, total amount sold really depends on interest, but I wouldn't sell anymore than 50% at the very most, but who am I kidding, I won't get that much interest.
I can say this, I am in good form right now and playing very well. What do I have to show for it? A near miss yesterday at Brantford where I was one of the chip leaders through the majority of the tournament only to me bad beat and coolered a few hands in a row to eventually be knocked out in 19th roughly. Oh and I won the big tournament at Mooses a week or two ago. BOOYAH
I am looking to sell action at a .03% markup on the $325. This is an interest thread and also if I do get staked and end up playing, this will also be the real thread as well. I do not have fancy graphs to look at, and those who know me, well maybe not ask them, but I think I am stakeable and do for a decent cash.
SO the numbers would look as follows:
5% $16.74
10% $33.48
Please post if interested, or leave this post be and the *crickets will deal with it. Go me!?
10% - T8urmoney - paid
10% - DrTyore - paid
10% - Ubetifold - paid
10% - Hobbes - paid
Thank you. I will book you and if for any reason I do not end up playing, complete refunds will be given!
What payment methods are you accepting?
emt for this one as I have taken a break from online for a bit to focus on live.
I'll bank 10%
PM me an email
I'll take a 10 ball if T8 would work with me a bit to EMT you 20, and I'll xfer him my 10 via a different means.
you talk to T8 and let me know. And thank you Mark I will pm you.
Also just a side note, I am 90% sure I will be playing this tomorrow, but because that decision will be made last minute if I don't go, I am not going to accept the transfers until first thing in the morning if I do go, so this way there is no lost fees in returning etc if I do not go.
cancelled first emt, resent for me and ubet
Sent you pm T8
What kind of prize pool does this trny usually get, and how many runners? GL!
I am here now and already made some money playing blackjack while waiting so that's a good start. I'm expecting it to sell out but if not probably 80 players. Prize pool on 80 players is $24,000. I will be posting updates on here during the tournament for investors and to rail. Thank you all again.
Thanks Hobbes, I will update as soon as I receive it.
The structure for this tourney is 10k starting stack and 30 min blinds. Should run well inot the night for a final table.
At first break I am sitting at 9375 chips from a 10K start. Been pretty card dead. Managed to pick up a few chips with 88 but then been running into some bigger hands and folding. On to the next break.
And bust AK < 1010 aipf. Could not catch cards to save my life.